Verified Reviews - Energy Storage Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

wylscl 2023-08-07

May I ask if the webpage interface is "decision in process" during the major revision of the article?

wylscl 2023-08-07

Could you please tell me if the reply interface for the article also shows "decision in process"?

wylscl 2023-08-07

Is the reply interface for the article also "decision in process" like this?

Mitoma 2023-08-03

Mine too, the RRC state has been continuous for ten days.

xt1997 2023-07-25

"May I ask if the original poster has any results yet?"

她迷人 2023-07-24

Became an RC, then got rejected for major modifications and lack of novelty. Sigh ? Good luck to you all.

ss_7 2023-07-22

Reviewer 2 + completion. The rrc was completed on July 10th, and today is the 22nd, but it is still rrc.

她迷人 2023-07-20

I only had two reviewers, both of them have finished reviewing. It has been seven days since RRC (presumably referring to a review committee), it's so long.

xt1997 2023-07-19

How many reviewers have finished reviewing? If it's two, it's probably the minimum requirement, and the editor may be waiting for opinions from other reviewers.

ss_7 2023-07-19

rrc status has been 10 days and still no result.

倚天利剑 2023-06-28

Does anyone know what's going on with the editor for the past half month?

penguin 2023-05-24

I just reviewed several ESM manuscripts, and the acknowledgments section was also deleted, so there is no information about who the funding is from, as mentioned in the previous reply.

科研狗0 2023-05-05

After submission, if "decision in process" appears, it means the paper is going to be rejected. Prior to submitting to ESM, it took 50 days for the review process. After submitting to RRC, "dip" appeared and then it was rejected. There were three reviewers, two rejected and one requested revisions.

tzl6880 2023-04-07

Feb 19, 2023 Manuscript Submitted
Feb 26, 2023 Under Review
Apr 05, 2023 Required Reviews Complete
Apr 06, 2023 Decision in Process

Could you please clarify if this article is going to be rejected?

chemeng 2023-03-31

2023.1.24, submit
2.14, major revisions requested, 2 reviewers, mechanism validation required
3.20, resubmit
3.31, accepted

OER 2023-02-20

2022.11.10 Submission
2022.12.28 First round of major revisions, with three reviewers. Due to the pandemic, it took two months.
2023.1.16 Revised manuscript resubmission
2023.2.14 Second round of minor revisions
2023.2.19 Revised manuscript resubmission
2023.2.20 Acceptance
Thanks to Editor Zhou! The double-blind mechanism of EnSM is truly a shining example of domestic production. Those old-school journals should learn from it.

科研小怪兽gerry 2023-02-18

From submission to with editor and then under review, it took three days. The review process was also fast, with feedback provided within two weeks. Wishing the journal's management continued success!

一壶乌龙茶 2023-01-26

Submitted on November 14th, received the reviewer's comments on December 10th. The editor gave me two months, but I sent it back on January 7th this year and accepted on the 23rd. Thanks to Kim, the editor, for being my first article of the year.

爱折腾的涵 2022-12-31

2022.12.31 has been received, going through major and minor repairs. Many thanks to Q. Zhang for their patient editing work!

规律作息勤锻炼 2022-11-29

Received at Editorial Office
28 Aug 2022
Article revised
28 Oct 2022
Article accepted for publication
27 Nov 2022

The second ESM from the non-double-blind group has been submitted twice and accepted both times. The double-blind review process is very friendly to small research teams. We thank Editor KIM for their support. Although there was a slight delay, as it took more than ten days for the second review to provide feedback, we received acceptance the day after urging for the manuscript. However, we appreciate Editor KIM for recognizing our work. The outcome is always positive, and we will continue to support ESM.

Yetcold 2022-11-01

Employment after major repairs, from submission to publication, takes about four months in total.

科研小鼠 2022-10-21

Submitted to the journal at 10:20.
This is the third time submitting to ESM, with the previous two times resulting in one rejection and one acceptance!
Hoping for good luck this time!

科研小鼠 2022-10-21

Submitted to the journal at 11.20.
I have submitted ESM for the third time. The first two times were rejected and accepted respectively!
Fingers crossed for good luck!!

MYJ666 2022-10-09

Hello, may I ask how you know who the editor is and why there is no editor's name or editor's email in my correspondence emails?

爱折腾的涵 2022-09-25

Not yet, I updated my status yesterday, so I estimate that I will be back in two days;
Has your status been under review for two months without any changes?

爱折腾的涵 2022-09-25

20220924 Required Reviews Completed (This is the third time, probably invited more than 3 reviewers, feeling discouraged)

唐古拉 2022-09-24

Hello, have you received the comments on your manuscript?

爱折腾的涵 2022-09-21

20220907 Submitted to the journal
20220909 with editor
20220909 under review
20220916 required reviews complete
20220921 required review complete
Good luck!

唐古拉 2022-09-20

Hello. It has been almost two months since I submitted, and it is still under review. Do you know the reason? Should I send an email to the editor?

JS-UH 2022-09-19

They are all checking the fund number to see whose article it is.

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