Verified Reviews - Frontiers in Public Health
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

env1688 2023-07-05

It has been a month, still looking for a deputy editor, is it suspended?

zhangdan@@@ 2023-06-28

So exaggerated, the latest impact factor for 2023 dropped from over 6 to 1.3. It's a waste of all the hard work I put into writing the paper.

LCmenl 2023-05-31

The review speed is fast, and the submission system of Frontiers as well as communication with reviewers is particularly convenient. I was given a week to revise, but I procrastinated and applied for an extension, which took nearly ten days. Otherwise, it might have been accepted even faster.

那只咩咩 2023-05-25

Two rounds of recruitment, lasting a total of 4 months. After proofing, there is a waiting period of one month online, which is relatively slow.

qxf 2023-04-28

May I ask, how long does it take to be able to retrieve the information after it is published?

王璐123 2023-04-26

Can you show me the articles from the public account, real or fake? I'm about to submit to this journal.

学术乐色制造机 2023-04-21

When translating the Chinese manuscript, I checked for plagiarism and it was less than 10%. After translation, there was no further checking.

Elisa 2023-04-18

The review speed is fast, and the external review and editing are quite responsible. Although being mocked by classmates for submitting to a low-tier journal, at least there is one SCI paper, which is better than mocking that journal and not having any articles of my own to submit. I must praise the review system of Frontiers, as it is user-friendly and excellent to use without any obstacles.

嘟嘟爱游戏 2023-04-11

May I ask how the progress is going now?

wj1993 2023-04-06

I also saw this tweet and verified it. It seems that there is no stagnation on WOS, and it has been indexed until March 9th.

zxcv12384 2023-04-01

I want to ask, did you check for plagiarism when you submitted? I didn't see any requirements for similarity on the official website. I saw a comment from a netizen on the webpage saying it should be below 15%.

萌桐 2023-03-29

May I ask you experts if the research topic in Frontiers in public health is similar to a supplement/special issue? The editor mentioned assigning my article to one of the topics. Currently, I have received a response from one reviewer requesting major revisions.

学术乐色制造机 2023-03-27

Recently, some people in the public WeChat account have said that Frontiers in Public Health and Frontiers in Environmental Science are suspected of being "stagnant" and undergoing rectification. Can comrades who know the situation comment on this?

学术乐色制造机 2023-03-27

It has been two months and still in the Editorial Assignment phase....
27 Jan 2023
Manuscript transferred from Frontiers in Environmental Science, section Environmental Economics and Management, research topic: None to Frontiers in Public Health, section Health Economics. Submitting confirmed transfer from Frontiers in Environmental Science, section Environmental Economics and Management, to Frontiers in Public Health, section Health Economics.

qxf 2023-03-25

22 Mar 2023: Accepted.
06 Mar 2023: Review Editor 1 finalized.
04 Mar 2023: Re-submitted manuscript.
03 Mar 2023: Reviewer 1 posted new comments.
17 Feb 2023: Re-submitted manuscript.
07 Feb 2023: Reviewer 1 posted new comments.
29 Jan 2023: Editor 2 finalized.
27 Jan 2023: Re-submitted manuscript.
13 Jan 2023: Interactive review forum activated.
15 Nov 2022: Submitted manuscript.

anne_ma 2023-03-23

Editors usually reply to messages on the same day, and they also respond to any questions on the same day. They are very efficient.

鲁路修zzzz 2023-03-08

I feel like I might know you.

鲁路修zzzz 2023-03-08

"Directly hire you to give 1 point??"

Dr Guan 2022-12-24

May I ask if Frontiers in Public Health still accepts pure bioinformatics submissions?

科研小渣渣渣 2022-12-23

May I ask which specific field you are in? Can environmental economics be included?

qxf 2022-11-19

Is the layout fee for this magazine as high as 6,450.00 USD? Why does the website I'm looking at only mention a little over 2,000 dollars?

准备第五篇的小萌新 2022-11-01

You can appeal, and I succeeded.

闲庭信 2022-10-27

How long does it take to assign an editor in the end?

梅子66 2022-10-20

The journal editor was very unfriendly. Two reviewers provided suggestions, one with very few comments and the other with slightly more. I returned the revised manuscript at noon, but received a rejection notice after 9 pm... I am also frustrated. If you didn't want it, why didn't you reject it directly when the reviewer's comments came back? I have also seen similar situations in the comments section of other journals: one reviewer recommends acceptance, while another asks for revisions, but ultimately rejects it after the revisions are made... Everyone says the editor is friendly, maybe I just had bad luck... It took me two months to find the reviewers initially.

ssseed 2022-10-10

06 Oct 2022
Article accepted for publication.
05 Oct 2022
Review of Review Editor 4 finalized.
Review of Review Editor 5 finalized.
You posted new comments.
Submitting Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
You posted new comments.
23 Sep 2022
Interactive review forum activated.
22 Sep 2022
Review of Reviewer 3 is finalized.
29 Aug 2022
Submitting Author submitted manuscript.

I managed to publish the article just before applying for the Ph.D. program. Although I had heard that the review process has become slower after the increase in the impact factor this year, perhaps because my research field is quite popular, I was able to find reviewers relatively quickly. Everything went according to plan, and I am grateful.

阿萨德123 2022-10-07

Excuse me, has your assignment been edited?

wpp0519 2022-09-28

Overall, the review process was fast, taking less than a month.

熊大 2022-09-25

Posted on September 8th, is it normal to still be editing now? Is there no hope of being selected for external review?

准备第五篇的小萌新 2022-09-01

Submitted on April 26th, accepted on August 31st. One reviewer wasn't very nice, but after filing a complaint, the editor took the suggestion and the magazine is very good.

圆圆好运 2022-08-26

Hello, for the magazine I submitted, one reviewer has agreed to publish it, while another reviewer rejected it after major revisions. The editor immediately found a third reviewer. Is there still hope?

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