Verified Reviews - Journal of Building Engineering
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

啊啊啊阳光中年 2023-07-24

It took three weeks to return for repair. There was a reviewer who didn't agree to review the manuscript. Now the editor has found another reviewer again. It's heartbreaking.

SCI投稿交流 2023-07-22

It's already the sixth day of RRC, suffering...

南湖小法师 2023-07-22

Update, 7.22 RRC
Submitted to RRC exactly three months ago.

hit_ls 2023-07-21

I also had a second review for revision. I sent it to the two reviewers from before, but only one accepted the review. They returned their feedback in two days, while the other one did not accept the review. Then, after about ten days, the editor accepted it. I feel like your review should be processed by the editor in a few days.

啊啊啊阳光中年 2023-07-20

Second revision, under review for three weeks. One reviewer has already completed the review, while the other has not accepted the review. In this situation, what will the editor do?

CC仗剑走天涯 2023-07-19

Two reviewers have returned their review comments, and the status changed to "required reviews complete." However, the next day it changed back to "under review." Does anyone know what's going on?

加油做科研 2023-07-19

2023.4.19 Submission
2023.5.1 Under review
2023.6.7 Major revision
2023.6.27 Corrections needed
2023.7.1 Under review
2023.7.14 Peer review completed
2023.7.18 Accepted
The editors and reviewers were very responsible and efficient. The comments provided by the reviewers were very constructive and helpful in improving the quality of the paper. The entire process went smoothly, and I would like to thank the editors and reviewers once again!

SCI写作交流 2023-07-18

Can it still be operated like this? This journal no longer has the same speed as before.

啊啊啊阳光中年 2023-07-16

One reviewer has already completed their review, but the other reviewer has not agreed to review for over ten days (this is the second review). Will the editor find a new reviewer?

啊啊啊阳光中年 2023-07-15

It has been half a month since the second review and one reviewer has not accepted the manuscript, while the other reviewer has completed the review. In this situation, if the original reviewer continues to refuse, will another one be sought?

guo816 2023-07-15

RRC has been waiting for over half a month, waiting for the fifth reviewer to return their comments.

SCI写作交流 2023-07-15

Did RRC's brother get any results?

啊啊啊阳光中年 2023-07-13

The revised manuscript has been submitted for two weeks, and it is still under review. I would like to ask if anyone knows how long the journal usually takes for the second round of review.

南湖小法师 2023-07-09

Update, on July 6th, 8 additional reviewers were added. Currently, there are a total of 19 reviewers, but only 2 have agreed to review and 1 has provided feedback. It's still very difficult.

guo816 2023-07-05

RRC has been one week.

guo816 2023-07-05

RRC has been around for a week, may I ask what is the situation?


2023.5.5 submit
2023.5.6 under review
2023.6.10 major revision
2023.6.26 submit revision
2023.7.1 accept
First submission, the review speed is really fast, special thanks for the positive evaluation.

月正圆 2023-07-02

On June 30th, the review has been completed.
On July 2nd, the editor provided major revisions.

慧海2019 2023-07-02

After the second submission of the revised manuscript, it took 18 days under review before it was finally accepted. Editor-in-Chief Yu from Wuhan University has particularly high efficiency.

xiao luo! 2023-07-02

22.12.12 submit
22.12.18 under review
22.1.18 1 accept
23.2.13 2 accept
23.2.23 1 complete
2023.3.11 3 accept 2 complete, major revision
2023.3.29 submit revision, under review
2023.4.06 major revision
2023.4.11 submit revision, under review
2023.4.16 accept
Reviewed a manuscript for this journal. The first review was given a time of 2 weeks, and the second review was given a time of 1 week. For reference only!

慧海2019 2023-07-01

Hello. May I ask if the change from "with editor" to "under review" in the system means that the manuscript has been accepted by a reviewer or that the comments have been submitted? Thank you!

铁柱同学 2023-07-01

2023.05.17 Submitted to Journal
2023.05.17 With Editor
2023.05.26 Under Review (Accepted 1)
2023.06.09 Under Review (Accepted 1, Completed 1)
2023.06.13 Under Review (Accepted 2, Completed 1)
2023.06.25 Required Reviews Complete
2023.06.26 Decision in Process until now
Is there any good brother who is also experiencing this? What's the situation? It's so painful...

lizeyang 2023-06-29

Feels like this journal is so slow! It's really torturous!
Submitted to Journal: Dec 26, 2022
Under Review: Dec 29, 2022
Major Revision: Mar 02, 2023
Under Review: Mar 15, 2023
Major Revision: Apr 28, 2023
Under Review: May 7, 2023
Minor Revision: May 20, 2023
Under Review: May 31, 2023
Required Reviews Completed: Jun 27, 2023
Under Review: June 28, 2023

天问 2023-06-26

Submitted to Journal 2022.12.13

With editor around 2022.12.15

Under review around 2022.12.20

Under review 2023.01.31

Required review completed 2023.02.13

Decision in process 2023.02.15

Revise 2023.02.18

Revisions to Journal 2023.03.01

Under review 2023.03.01

Accept 2023.03.08

linmo 2023-06-25

Currently, there are 2 submissions under review, 2 have been accepted, and one opinion has already been received. However, it seems that one of the reviewers might have disappeared. It has been 21 days and there is still no feedback.

凶巴巴 2023-06-23

03.16 submitted
04.15 major revision
06.06 resubmitted
06.20 accept
The journal efficiency is very high, as the editors process submissions within a day. The reviewers also provide feedback quickly and are very friendly. It is an excellent journal!

南湖小法师 2023-06-20

Update: 6.20 under review
Currently, it has been two months since the review process started, and there is still only one reviewer who has completed the review.

karna 2023-06-16

I am two reviewers and together we have invited 5 people.

潇湘夜雨 2023-06-13

"Xiao Yuan is quite mischievous."

月正圆 2023-06-13

6.5日 投稿 - 6.5th day post
6.7日 wth etr - 6.7th day what the hell, estimated time of arrival
6.12日 UR - 6.12th day you are

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