Verified Reviews - Energy Reports
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

学术新人 2021-12-22

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is still classified as Zone 2, but not Zone 1. I previously made a mistake in what I said, and I admit that. I'm very sorry.

zhuzhu 2021-12-21

As a result, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is now in a state where it almost cannot hold on to District 2. It is truly a huge setback.

ZHHN 2021-12-03

11.26 accept

ZHHN 2021-11-23

7.19 submission
8.30 Minor revision
9.15 submission
11.4 Minor revision
11.7 submission
11.8 with editor
11.9 decision in process
11.19 with editor
Currently unknown situation.

Melon 2021-11-21

I would like to ask everyone if the location and capacity of the electric vehicle charging station are consistent with the direction of this journal.

wwz521 2021-11-12

After checking the real-time impact factor, it is currently only 1.53. Therefore, it is highly probable that it will be around 3-4 this year, most likely in the 3rd quartile.

学术新人 2021-11-04

Posted on September 29th.
Submitted for review on October 1st.
Received feedback on October 20th from two foreign reviewers, one from Spain and one from Colombia. Both reviewers agreed for publication, with only minor changes needed, such as partial citations and modifications to certain words in the text. The journal's overall opinion was to directly accept the paper after minor revisions.
Revised manuscript on October 22nd.
Accepted on November 3rd.
Wishing the journal continued success. Currently, the impact factor is 6.87 and it is possible to surpass 7. The journal may be classified as a 1st tier by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Lastly, I would like to share my thoughts. My article had been rejected multiple times, each time with extensive criticism. I made revisions according to the feedback, and the process of writing the article was quite painful. However, the moment it was accepted brought me great joy. Each rejection brought me closer to acceptance. Keep going!

WWLL 2021-11-03

11.1 Decision in Process

11.2 Accept

WD0256 2021-11-01

8.11 submission
8.15 with editor
8.20 with editor (status unchanged, date changed)
8.21 with editor (status unchanged, date changed)
8.24 with editor (status unchanged, date changed)
8.26 with editor (status unchanged, date changed)
8.29 under review
9.21 minor revisions
10.9 revisions with editor
10.10 with editor
10.11 under review
10.26 minor revisions
10.28 revisions with editor
10.30 with editor (status unchanged, date changed)
10.31 with editor (status unchanged, date changed)

1997 2021-10-29

Return for revision based on the first-instance opinion above on October 20, 2021.

1997 2021-10-29

The English translation of the given text is: "Regarding the above, the first-instance opinion on 20211020 requires rework."

菽香 2021-10-29

6.9 Submission
6.28 External review
9.3 Revision (a major revision suggested by one expert, a minor revision suggested by another expert, and a minor revision suggested by the final editor, with a total of 16 comments, which were relatively easy to address)
9.13 Rework
9.15 External review
10.1 Acceptance
10.22 Online

1997 2021-10-18

submission: 20210423
with editor: 20210423-20210505
under review: 20210505, 20210511, 20210521, 20210526, 20210604, 20210617,
20210626, 20210715, 20210811, 20210913, 202110110-present
As of the comment deadline, the manuscript is still under review and has not been revised. The editor will reply to the reviewer's comments via email, with one comment remaining.

芒果1998 2021-10-06

8.4 Submission
8.5 Review
8.31 Request for minor revisions
9.14 Revision
9.15 Review
10.4 Accept

wwz521 2021-09-20

Submitted on July 13th,
Returned with revision suggestions for minor edits on August 26th,
Revised on September 2nd,
Under review for 10 days,
Changed to "required reviews completed" on September 15th,
Accepted on September 20th.

GeoCarto 2021-09-08

I'm not sure if the landlord explicitly mentioned whether it's a major or minor repair in the email. Mine needs to be fixed within 21 days.

学术菜鸟23 2021-09-06

Does this require a fee?

GeoCarto 2021-09-03

Original: 楼主,您的under review变了那么多次,最后有几个审稿人?
Translation: OP, your "under review" status has changed so many times, how many reviewers are there in the end?

BiberPeng 2021-08-30

My under review period is relatively long, with several changes in dates. The duration of required reviews completed is short, approximately 3 days, after which they send an email for me to make modifications. It's possible that within your two-week period, the editor hasn't had a chance to review it yet, or maybe not all of the reviewers' comments have been returned. Just be patient and good luck.

林昔一 2021-08-29

May I ask, OP, how long did the required reviews take? Mine has been two weeks already.

BiberPeng 2021-08-24

Received at Editorial Office
2 Jun 2021
30 July
Article revised
16 Aug 2021
Article accepted for publication
20 Aug 2021
The latest impact factor is 6.87. Wishing Energy Reports continued success.

发动机 2021-08-23

It is normal for an editor to take one month.

XiaTianyang 2021-08-17

May I ask if the status "with editor" lasting for 23 days is considered a normal status code?

SHKZ 2021-08-15

May I ask if the journal has a template? I couldn't find it on the journal's website. Could you please send me a copy at 2364472438 @qq? Thank you.

SHKZ 2021-08-15

May I ask if this journal has a template? I couldn't find it on the journal's website. Thank you.

南城以南 2021-08-15

Is the conference paper included in the supplement?

mrvita 2021-07-01

And then they didn't work properly anymore, instead, they focused on organizing a lot of conferences and writing papers to raise money. It would be considered good if they can pass 3 next year.

天才的赵石 2021-07-01

2.1 submitted to journal
2.2 with editor
2.26 under review
3.7 under review
3.8 under review
3.23 under review
3.27 under review
4.3 major revise
4.18 after major revision, with editor
4.28 under review
5.13 required reviews completed After six weeks of unchanged status, a reminder letter was sent to the editor, and received a reply from the editor. The next day, the status changed to:
6.28 decision in process
6.30 accept
This is my first SCI paper, luckily submitted to a journal that will be upgraded in JCR this year, and the impact factor is also expected to double.

非洲小白脸 2021-07-01

The latest impact factor of this journal has skyrocketed to 6.87. The next round of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) ranking will definitely be in the top tier. It has a good cost-performance ratio.

专科生 2021-06-10

Thank you for sharing, OP. Congratulations on the successful acceptance of your research. May I ask, how much is the final page fee for this journal? Today, I checked on WOS and found that this journal is Q2 (52/112).

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