Verified Reviews - Advances in Manufacturing
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

wsl_st 2023-06-22

Could you please tell me how your paper turned out in the end?

94992 2022-12-12

Submitted in March, received 5 suggestions for minor revisions in May and made the necessary modifications. Waited for 7 months without any updates. Suddenly in December, it went back under review. Originally, I had hoped to have this article accepted and present it for my graduation defense at the end of the year, but now I realize that it won't be possible.

小涞涞 2022-10-20

The journal you mentioned actually coincided with the severe epidemic situation in Shanghai. Unfortunately, my paper was accepted in April, but it has not been processed yet due to the epidemic and summer vacation. So, this situation also exists. I feel that this journal is still good.

suhao_sdu 2022-07-14

My experience of submitting this manuscript can be considered unheard of. Let me first explain the final outcome of this submission: it has been accepted and proofread!

At the end of May, after being rejected, I resubmitted to another journal. Then, in early June, a teacher from that journal called me and said there was a mistake. It was supposed to be accepted, but it was accidentally marked as rejected (speechless). The status on the submission system changed to "accept". I hurriedly withdrew the submission from the other journal (the consequences would have been unimaginable if I hadn't done it in time). After that, I received the proofreading email from this journal after a month. It took nearly a year from submitting at the end of last year until now, and it has been quite a struggle. However, fortunately, the result is good. I sincerely hope that domestic journals in China can catch up with international excellent journals and become highly recognized international journals soon!

认真的rain 2022-07-12

2021.8.12 New submission
2021.8.14 Editor assigned
2021.8.16 Editor assigned
2021.8.20 Reviewers assigned
2021.8.21 Under review
2021.9.23 Reviewers assigned
2021.9.23 Under review
2021.9.28 Under review
2021.11.28 Reviews completed
2021.11.28 Editor assigned
2021.11.28 Revise
2021.12.06 Revision submitted
2021.12.07 Reviewers assigned
2021.12.07 Under review
2021.12.15 Under review
2021.12.22 Reviews completed
Editor contact afterwards to request the original text in Word format for proofreading
2021.6.29 Accept

素忆平生 2022-07-05

Continue to wait.
Waited for another two weeks and found that the review was completed. The next day at noon, received an email, reject.
Checked the review comments, there were two reviewers. One suggested minor revisions (about 3 comments), and one directly rejected.
Focused on the comments of rejection, the opinions were quite general, basically criticizing the entire paper. They said my English was not good and the paper was not fluent to read (in fact, I had someone proofread it). They mentioned that the theoretical part lacked innovation and the conclusion highlight was not clear. They hoped that I could provide some evaluation indicators that are currently hard to find among scholars worldwide. And the most frustrating part was that, regarding a certain indicator, the reviewer thought I did not provide the calculation method, but actually, the formula was right above the indicator graph. Therefore, from my limited understanding, I feel that what he said is not what I intended to convey.
After half a day, received an email from the editorial department suggesting transferring the paper to other journals. They recommended a total of 5 journals, 3 open-access, 1 non-English journal, and a well-known domestic journal with a long review time.
Decisively rejected the transfer suggestion.
I initially wanted to refute the second reviewer, but referring to the outcome of the previous reviewer, chances are it will still be rejected.
You can consider everything I said as my personal opinion, feel free to take it or leave it.

素忆平生 2022-07-05

There's nothing much to say. I deliberately registered an account hoping that visitors could take a look at my situation and decide for themselves. The homepage of the journal website displays an enticing feedback speed of "8 days", but it's not actually that fast. I submitted my article at the end of April and it was sent for review 2 days later. The first reviewer should have provided feedback around one month later, but the system time changed. I then waited for another 2 months without any updates. I used the system to inquire about the progress with the editor, but they didn't reply after receiving the system message. However, the system time changed 4 days after sending the message, so it seems they checked the situation.

我爱如月 2022-06-29

Thumbs up for these excellent domestic journals!

suhao_sdu 2022-06-01

Add another sentence. After being rejected and transferred for a week, the transfer button is still greyed out and cannot be clicked. I can't see the rejection letter on the website either, so I don't know the reason for the rejection. It's really interesting!

suhao_sdu 2022-05-28

Amazing! Submitted in November 2021, revised in mid-January 2022 (with about 2 reviewers and 5 comments), quickly made the revisions, and by the end of February, it showed "Reviews Completed". However, the status remained unchanged until one day at the end of May, it showed "Editor Assigned". Just a few days later, it was rejected and transferred!!! I sent an email during this period but didn't receive a response. After the rejection, no email was sent, I found out by opening the website myself! Thumbs up to this journal!!!

磊仔 2021-11-27

I want to ask if this journal is open access, and if there are any publication fees.

不完美的上帝 2021-04-17

Why isn't anyone commenting?

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