Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

sunshine99 2021-09-21

Hello! After seeing your submission experience, I felt a little indignant on your behalf, but it's okay. It's their loss if they don't want your article. Your article will definitely be able to be published in a better journal. I have a question to consult with you. I just submitted an article, but I saw that the similarity rate is 34% and the single source similarity is 3%. Now I'm very anxious. Will it be directly rejected? What was the similarity rate shown by the system for you before? Thank you! I noticed that this similarity calculation software even includes the names of the authors' workplaces. Sigh!

azhuang 2021-09-20

The first draft was submitted for initial review for 3 weeks. The editor liked it and there were few comments from the reviewers. However, they "suggested" that I should contact a German professor to supplement the experiment with mice. In the second draft, as the German professor did not reply to my emails, I tried to supplement the experiment through other means. Reviewer 1 directly asserted that I did not ask the German professor for mice, saying "Never tried to request," and their attitude completely changed, almost to the point of swearing at me. They directly said "no surprise," which is no different from saying "bullshit" in context. Afterwards, the editor rejected the manuscript, citing the reason that we did not consult the professor. After arguing with them, the editor concluded that we did not ask for mice, which contradicts what we wrote in our response letter. They no longer consider the article. We then provided email evidence, but the editor claimed that they asked the professor themselves, just didn't send an email to consult them. Okay, fine... It's a German journal, with a German editor, German reviewers, and a German professor... If there is a conflict, just say so. There's no need to make it a matter of embarrassing Germany.

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