Verified Reviews - IEEE Access
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Dr. Sun 2021-01-16

The situation of this student belongs to the problem of coordinating with the advisor. It should be said that your advisor is not worried about your graduation issue, and the advisor does not want their students to not graduate because the graduation rate is also part of the performance evaluation. It's just that he doesn't want you to graduate immediately, he hopes you can make more contributions to the team. In this case, you need to sit down and have a good talk with your advisor. As for the external review of the paper, the process I have seen is basically as I mentioned. Although I am not a doctoral supervisor, I have assisted my senior colleagues in guiding some students. Although extreme situations cannot be ruled out, as long as each student writes the thesis seriously, at least in my memory, the senior colleagues have not rejected the thesis due to minor papers. In the case of students I have guided, there has never been a situation where the defense is postponed due to issues with minor paper publications. Each reviewer is actually rigorous yet tolerant and loving. This should be believed. So, no matter how the situation is with minor paper publications, please polish your thesis well. This is the most important stepping stone in the final stage of graduation for students. The research environment in China is complex, but not so complicated. I came here to give comments upon the request of my students, and I hope it can help you all. I wish you all a bright future.

xixi123456 2021-01-16

I agree with the previous teacher's opinion. Students should focus on completing their major papers well, after all, there are too many external factors affecting the publication of minor papers. It is impossible to ensure complete fairness. The research platform, the school, and the advisor are all different. If graduation is solely based on minor papers, what is the point of writing major papers? Just submit the minor paper retrieval report and be done with it. The experts will also find it very easy, completing the review task in just one minute! Can this still be considered blind review? This is too irresponsible!

xixi123456 2021-01-16

EI has already published two papers. I estimate that ordinary EI publications can no longer satisfy him. He needs top-tier EI publications in the industry. Sometimes I wonder, if I really had 4-5 top-tier journals in both Chinese and English, why wouldn't I pursue a prestigious degree? After all, getting older was only for the sake of a job. I dare not expect anything beyond graduation. Only I know how hard I have worked for the past three years. Working alone, I have produced more articles than required for graduation. However, I still feel that graduation is a distant goal.

xixi123456 2021-01-16

Our school and major find it difficult to publish in SCI. There is only one publication from a PhD student who stays in school, with one open source and three EI papers. The advisor just wants to extend the graduation deadline. I only want to go to a second-tier college, not even staying in this school, just to graduate. I believe that my thesis can reach the level of a doctoral degree from a similar institution. The advisor wants me to publish around 10 translations on my own, but I feel that I may not be able to meet his expectations. After all, our research group has only published two access papers in the past five years, including my three papers, and the rest are in Chinese. It is very difficult to meet the advisor due to his multiple roles.

Cary 2021-01-16

When reviewing a major thesis, the first thing is to look at the situation of the author's minor theses as a basis for reviewing the major thesis. Therefore, the quality and quantity of minor theses have a significant impact on the reviewing experts.

135467841321 2021-01-16

In addition, from the perspective of evaluating professional titles, the requirements for papers seem to be not very strict. The most difficult thing in our discipline is national-level funding, both horizontal and vertical projects. Funding projects are the most troublesome, while publishing papers is relatively easier to achieve. Unless there is an urgent need to graduate, it is better not to publish on platforms like Access. It is fast, but if you want to evaluate professional titles, it is better to publish in top-tier Chinese journals, which have high recognition in EI and CNKI. It is difficult to be recognized, but the review process is also quite fast. It might be worth taking a look at the top journals in Chinese.

135467841321 2021-01-16

The teacher's evaluation is very accurate. Our school also imposes restrictions on open-access journals in scholarship evaluation and performance assessment. Currently, the draft for soliciting opinions is converted at a rate of 60%. However, there are no requirements for students to graduate. If they want to go further in their academic career, such as becoming a teacher at a university ranked above 211, applying for funds, etc., it is still advisable to publish in well-established professional journals and top journals in the field. Although some well-established journals are classified as third-tier, they still have a high level of recognition within the industry, stronger than the recognition of second-tier open-access journals. For example, when a certain 211 university in East China recruits teachers, they do not recognize some low-quality journals as achievements.

Dr. Sun 2021-01-16

If the teacher mentioned by this student is your supervisor, then it is suggested to communicate with the supervisor to find a solution. Each supervisor has different personalities and expectations, and only through good communication can solutions be found. If it is a teacher from the degree office, it is recommended to have the supervisor communicate with them. Generally speaking, teachers from the degree office only conduct qualification reviews for graduation conditions and do not intervene too much in the results of the thesis and papers. I hope this can help you.

xixi123456 2021-01-16

We are a non-key discipline undergraduate engineering institution. Due to the presence of many engineering subjects in our school, the school requires one SCI paper and one EI paper. Currently, I have three papers accepted and published in SCI/EI journals, and I have one Chinese EI paper and one English SCI paper to be submitted. The main content of the thesis is approximately equivalent to the workload of five articles. However, the teacher said that due to the poor quality of the journals, the thesis cannot be sent for external review, which makes me very angry!

Dr. Sun 2021-01-16

Many students who are concerned about graduation issues may not be very clear about the process of thesis review. First, they need to meet the basic requirements of the school and the college to apply for graduation. This part is actually relatively simple, and the school will not make things difficult for the students. The important part is the external review of the thesis. If the quality of the thesis is good, the reviewers will not pay much attention to the quantity and quality of the smaller papers, because the thesis itself demonstrates the student's solid work. The smaller papers may be influenced by various subjective and objective factors. However, if the quality of the thesis is poor, the reviewers will examine the quantity and quality of the smaller papers. If there are many papers or the quality of the publications is high, it indicates that the student has the capability, but has not put enough effort into writing the thesis. In such cases, they will generally be given an opportunity to make revisions. On the other hand, if the quality of the thesis is not good and the quantity of smaller papers is low with average quality publications, since the thesis is a summary of the smaller papers, the reviewers will consider that the student did not put enough effort into the work and there are serious issues with the quality. In such cases, there is a possibility of being rejected. Therefore, I once again emphasize to all students to seriously and responsibly write their own thesis.

Dr. Sun 2021-01-16

In addition, the central policy has always emphasized evaluating academic achievements based on publications. However, there are still many debates among teachers regarding whether it is feasible to evaluate academic achievements based on publications in graduation, fund application, and promotion evaluations. It is possible to evaluate academic achievements based on publications in terms of student graduation. In fact, it has always been done this way because teachers can assess the quality of your entire academic career based on your thesis. Therefore, it is important for every student to write their thesis seriously and responsibly, regardless of the quantity of their other papers, as their thesis largely determines whether they can graduate. However, it is difficult to evaluate academic achievements based on publications in fund applications and promotions. Students who have participated in writing funding proposals should understand that these proposals generally do not involve detailed technical aspects. Instead, they are evaluated based on the project's importance to national strategy, innovation, and the solid foundation of the team. If the project is considered important to national strategy, the number of papers becomes secondary. However, for more mainstream directions, the evaluation can only be based on the quantity of papers and the foundation of the team. This is currently a dilemma. Similarly, in the promotion process, it is not possible for all teachers applying for promotion to submit a material as extensive as a graduation thesis to demonstrate their recent work. Neither the teachers nor the expert reviewers have the time and energy for this. Moreover, considering the current policy direction of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, evaluating academic achievements based on publications is a demanding and long-term task.

xixi123456 2021-01-16

Thank you, teacher. Finally at ease.

Dr. Sun 2021-01-16

Say a few more things, because recently many classmates, including my students, have been asking about the impact of the warning list on graduation and employment. I believe that many students are concerned about this issue. So, in terms of graduation, for students who are already enrolled, there is actually no need to worry too much about this. I believe that each student has a training manual, and the requirements stated in the manual for your cohort will not be modified again. However, for students who will be entering this year, they need to pay attention to any modifications in the upcoming training manual. Of course, the possibility of short-term modifications is not very high, as modifying the training manual is a very complex and cumbersome process that requires multiple levels of approval. As a teacher from a mediocre 985 university, I have not yet received any relevant opinions for consultation, and all teachers also hope for the smooth graduation of their students. As for the impact on employment, there have been some signs at present. Our university has already started a small-scale opinion collection regarding the influence of the warning list on professional title evaluations. However, the current version is still a trial version and there are still many problems. Therefore, it is currently in the stage of collecting opinions and needs to make corresponding policy plans based on the formal version from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Therefore, students who have requirements in this regard need to follow up on relevant policy notifications.

Dr. Sun 2021-01-16

For graduating students, it does not affect them. Even if the four major prestigious publications, which were previously notorious, except for O who was kicked out of SCI, are still recognized as graduation requirements in almost all schools until now. It does not affect graduation because no school will make it difficult for students in terms of graduation requirements. Even if there are changes to the graduation requirements, they will only be implemented in new incoming classes and not in the current graduating class. This is a consensus among all schools. Therefore, as a student, the quality of your thesis is more important. However, on the other hand, whether in the past or now, the blacklist is aimed at fund applications, scholarship evaluations, and professional title evaluations. So, for teachers currently employed or for students aspiring to pursue a career in domestic scientific research industry, it will definitely have a significant impact in these areas. It is necessary to keep track of policy changes in your current or target institutions.

微波与电磁场 2021-01-16

Will the articles on Access still be recognized in the future? Will it have any impact on graduation?

会飞的鱼2072 2021-01-15

October 19, 2020, Submission;
December 8, 2020, Reject (updates required before resubmission);
December 22, 2020, Resubmission;
December 29, 2020, Accept.
Overall, the speed is acceptable. I feel that the quality of this paper is on the edge of the second tier. However, I am in a hurry to graduate, so I submitted it to an open-access journal. The two reviewers' comments were quite professional. Based on their suggestions, I added a new chapter and felt that the paper did indeed improve significantly after the revisions.

吃瓜不嫌事大 2021-01-15

Brother, can you please provide the specific timeline for submission, review, and editing decisions? I haven't received any feedback on my submission.

吃小龙 2021-01-15

Returned after 3 weeks of review, revised and accepted within one week. Those who criticize this journal actually feel unfair in their hearts, thinking that others have succeeded but may not have done as well themselves. But so what? Just let the Chinese Academy of Sciences lower their rank. The research institution where this person belongs is in zone 2, so they receive scholarships and performance bonuses according to zone 2 standards. If you want to become a big shot, just submit to Nature or Science. Everyone takes what they need.

吃瓜不嫌事大 2021-01-15

Is the review process of this journal slower now? It has been a month and it is still under reviewer!

xixi123456 2021-01-15

Thank you, as long as it does not affect graduation, it is fine.

snbsh 2021-01-15

The journals from the same publishing house have the same word, some in uppercase and some in lowercase. How can this be explained?

hky 2021-01-15

I guess that person X should have seen others easily surpassing him by publishing their work on the paper through ACCESS. He didn't want to admit it, so he specifically came here to leave negative comments about this journal. In our school, this journal is considered reliable for evaluating job titles and promotions.

xixi123456 2021-01-15

You have such a face that enjoys watching the excitement without caring about the consequences, which makes people suspect the basic conscience behind your noble academic ethics! Moreover, to unilaterally negate all the articles of a journal contradicts the policy of evaluating articles based on their content rather than the journal itself! Since you attach so much importance to the warning list, you should carefully read the complete meaning conveyed in this pilot document. It takes time for a person to become successful solely on their own, so us ordinary people need to graduate and survive first before we can develop. It is not kind to judge others from a superior standpoint and make casual comments without understanding their difficulties.

XNova 2021-01-15

So, let me put it this way, I am very happy to see you all jumping around like this because my three articles will definitely not trigger any alerts, hahaha. I won't worry about my job title evaluation unit not recognizing it in the middle of the night, nor will I worry about not being able to sleep because the school doesn't recognize it when I graduate. Who sleeps soundly, only they know.

果小冻 2021-01-15

This kind of journal, students can try submitting their first writing to it. My first paper was submitted to this journal, but at that time, it didn't have much reputation. Of course, in the future, I will definitely not submit to this kind of journal again. It is necessary to submit to authoritative journals in order to gain recognition from peers. As for your three rejections, it can't be considered a good idea, or perhaps your writing skills are poor and you need to improve your abilities. In China, many students actually don't receive any academic guidance from their mentors. In such cases, it's not a problem to publish in lower-ranking journals. It is extremely rare for someone to become successful without the guidance of a top scholar. In the end, it depends on how your institution views this journal.

二仙桥居士 2021-01-14

The person downstairs is a typical self-proclaimed high-minded individual, not all directions are suitable for writing papers or engaging in academia. Moreover, engaging in academia is not as elevated as you make it out to be. Don't you have any idea about the nature of the academic circle? With your attitude of lecturing students like a mentor, I can see what you're capable of. What do you mean by secretly publishing papers for the sake of graduation? Is it a guilty act for me to publish a paper? Big shot.

hky 2021-01-14

Tim has submitted three articles that were not accepted, and even his submission to Access was mostly in vain. I suggest translating it into Chinese and submitting it to a general core, rather than an authoritative core. Consider it as a way to give this article some closure.

笑忘书 2021-01-14

The issue of capitalization in names seems to be consistent with Clarivate Analytics. Additionally, the capitalization of journal names varies, as each journal has its own style. It is not solely uppercase or lowercase. There are variations such as all uppercase, all lowercase, initial capitalization, and even special formatting. :)

XNova 2021-01-14

Hahaha, he is getting anxious, is he really qualified to claim himself as an academic? He even uses such vulgar language. Does he get angry when he hears something he doesn't like? Isn't it better to be a civilized person? Did I waste my time studying? In fact, I already have three articles in hand, I don't bother to submit to this journal. Are you angry? The reason I didn't choose TIM is not because of anything else, but because I feel that I need a representative work to challenge it. It means that my attempt to improve the article is not working, but this mediocre journal still has reasons and evidence? It's ridiculous. As I said, it's fine for students to publish, but why would a research group engage in this kind of academic work? It's better to upload it to Baidu Wenku, where ideas can be shared faster, and you can even make money.

hky 2021-01-14

If you can't even take a shit by yourself, I can help you put someone else's shit on your head so that you can graduate.

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