Summer/Winter schools

Summer/Winter schools

Summer school programs, also known as extended-year programs, are designed to provide educational opportunities to students during the summer months when schools traditionally observe summer break or summer vacation. Summer school programs generally fit into one of three categories: (1) remediation,...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 1 year ago

43 · 5
Winter / Summer Schools 2024

Winter / Summer Schools 2024

Winter / Summer Schools 2024 Hub is a platform that connects students, researchers, and professionals who are interested in participating in short-term academic programs around the world. This hub is your gateway to global learning opportunities!

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 5 months ago

19 · 2
AI in education, teaching, learning

AI in education, teaching, learning

Educational technology is continuously changing, and the emergence of AI tools is another step in this evolution. This hub is for educators and everyone who wants to understand how AI tools can impact teaching and learning.

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 1 year ago

36 · 8
Choosing Grad Schools

Choosing Grad Schools

What advice or knowledge did you wish you had before settling on a graduate school or graduate program? Financial advice, tips on setting career goals, or resources you used are welcome.

Created by Connor Lukes · 1 year ago

2 · 4
Distance learning

Distance learning

Distance learning is a type of education that allows students to obtain college credit or take personal enrichment programs at any time and from any location. Many schools and universities provide this option, but what exactly does a distance course entail? What can students expect from them, and ho...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 3 years ago

86 · 22
How to learn programming

How to learn programming

Programming is not a new discipline. It started with Alan Turing, who, during the 1930s, created a general-purpose computer model and contributed to the development of the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) in the 1940s. Today programming is taught at many universities and high schools worldwide. How...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 3 months ago

9 · 3