A Green Skills Hub is a centralized resource dedicated to developing and promoting the knowledge and abilities needed for jobs that contribute to environmental sustainability. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects: Focus: Green skills hubs target skills relevant to green jobs. These jobs involve act...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 1 month ago

6 · 2
Green Technologies and Sustainability

Green Technologies and Sustainability

This hub considers Green Technologies' importance for monitoring, modeling and conserving the natural environment and resources, reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption, mitigating air, water and soil pollution and reducing waste, recovering energy and resources, and supporting environmenta...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 1 year ago

45 · 6
COVID-19 Research and Data

COVID-19 Research and Data

Share your ideas, data, or research interests on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in many different aspects of the world (e.g. in society, economy, international relations, media, education, social networks, etc.).

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 3 years ago

121 · 24