AI models & tools ChatGPT, Bing, Gemini

AI models & tools ChatGPT, Bing, Gemini

ChatGPT is a free and easy-to-use AI search tool. Is ChatGPT here to replace job roles or even Search engines? There is no doubt that ChatGPT still has a lot of space to evolve, and using it without being aware of its dangers is a danger in itself. However, one thing seems clear, too: it’s an impres...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 1 year ago

73 · 21
AI in education, teaching, learning

AI in education, teaching, learning

Educational technology is continuously changing, and the emergence of AI tools is another step in this evolution. This hub is for educators and everyone who wants to understand how AI tools can impact teaching and learning.

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 1 year ago

43 · 8
AI prompt engineering hub

AI prompt engineering hub

Prompt engineering or prompting is an AI (artificial intelligence) concept of how to talk to an AI system like ChatGPT and get a desired response. For example, instead of giving the AI a simple prompt like "define a computer," you could add additional information to the prompt to get a better result...

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 11 months ago

21 · 4