AI in education, teaching, learning

AI in education, teaching, learning

Educational technology is continuously changing, and the emergence of AI tools is another step in this evolution. This hub is for educators and everyone who wants to understand how AI tools can impact teaching and learning.

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 6 days ago

36 · 8
Improving Writing in Higher Education

Improving Writing in Higher Education

Discussion of teaching and learning academic writing in higher education. From critical editing to overcoming procrastination, no detail is too big or too small!

Created by Hub Moderator · 1 year ago

3 · 6
Innovation & Technology Laboratory

Innovation & Technology Laboratory

In this Technology & Innovation Lab, we help entrepreneurs, inventors and researchers build their ideas into new ventures by providing online space to share the latest Hi-tech Architecture and Science resources.

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 1 month ago

31 · 4
Distance learning

Distance learning

Distance learning is a type of education that allows students to obtain college credit or take personal enrichment programs at any time and from any location. Many schools and universities provide this option, but what exactly does a distance course entail? What can students expect from them, and ho...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 5 months ago

86 · 22
Cancer biology

Cancer biology

This hub is to discuss cancer research related topics.

Created by Harwinder Sidhu · 1 month ago

26 · 9
World University Rankings

World University Rankings

Share your views, opinion, information, and ideas about world university rankings!

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 1 week ago

101 · 22
Trends in Higher Education

Trends in Higher Education

Share your ideas and opinion about the trends in higher education in the post-COVID-19 environment. There is a number of issues around student migration and recruitment, the learning environment and virtual education, internationalization, and employability, etc.

Created by Goran Shibakovs... · 5 months ago

76 · 24
New Virtual Settings

New Virtual Settings

Hi all! I wanted to pose a question about what platforms do you use in your respective fields to connect, collaborate, learn, or have a class or seminar in?

Created by Neil Morte · 1 year ago

91 · 11