Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on AI prompt engineering hub
Learn Prompting is the largest and most comprehensive course in prompt engineering available on the internet, with over 60 content modules. Learn how to use ChatGPT and other AI tools to accomplish your goals using our free and open source curriculum, designed for all skill levels! https://learnprompting.org/


Commented on AI & your research work
Llama 2 Hackathon with Clarifai on August 25 2023 - 6:00 PM Europe/SkopjeExperience the thrill of building next-gen apps with Llama 2 - enroll now in the online 3-day AI hackathon. Learn how to extend your capabilities with Clarifai. Mentors are available to support you during your creative journey. 1st Place: $1500 Cash. 2nd Place: $1000 Cash. 3rd Place: $500 Cash. https://lablab.ai/event/llama-2-hackathon-with-clarifai


Commented on Mental health
A study that peered into live mouse brains suggests for nearly 70 years we've been targeting the wrong neurons in our design of antipsychotic drugs. Using a miniature microscope and fluorescent tags, a team of researchers led by Northwestern University neuroscientist Seongsik Yun discovered that effective antipsychotic drugs cling to a different type of brain cell than scientists originally thought. The study has been published in Nature Neuroscience. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-023-01390-9


Commented on PhD & research positions
Monash University in Australia invites applications for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, a public research university based in Melbourne, Australia. https://scholaridea.com/2023/08/13/monash-university-in-australia-invites-applications-for-vacant-52-phd-and-academic-positions/


Commented on Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology: The Study of Workplace Behavior
A new study from economists at MIT and UCLA observed that data-entry workers were 18% less productive at home than they were in the office. To gather subjects for the study, the researchers posted advertisements for entry-level data jobs in local newspapers, and ultimately observed a total of 235 workers, according to the study. The report noted that both groups were also asked to work for approximately 35 hours a week. However, those working from home were given the flexibility to choose when they worked, while those coming into the office were restricted to a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule. Ultimately, employees appear to be most content when they have flexibility around their schedule. Some of the happiest employees last year were the ones who were working in remote-hybrid roles. https://www.businessinsider.com/wfh-work-from-home-decreases-productivity-18-percent-study-rto-2023-8 Any opinion on this?


Commented on Artificial intelligence in smart grid for energy management: power load prediction
Interesting poster. What tools did you use for this analysis?


Commented on Neuroscience
The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works. https://www.youtube.com/@hubermanlab/featured


Commented on Taking research into the community
I have a question for the authors of this poster. How do you measure the impact of the Science Club on the health and research literacy of the participants?


Commented on Taking research into the community
I think that setting up a Science Club is a great way to foster a dialogue about research with children, young people, and families. I admire your initiative and I would love to hear more about your experience and outcomes.


Commented on The Generations Research Hub
Gen Z’s influence in the workplace, economy and society will be increasingly felt in the coming years. Understanding the contradictions between the generations and the unique characteristics within it will continue to be critical for employers, marketers, technologists, business leaders and more. https://www.ey.com/en_us/consulting/how-contradictions-define-generation-z Any opinion?


Commented on Data Science
Quintillion bytes of data are created every day! Explore how data is transforming the world and opening up exciting new jobs with this introductory course to Data Science. https://skillsforall.com/course/introduction-data-science?courseLang=en-US


Commented on Climate Change & Global Warming
The Allianz Climate Risk Award celebrates scientists at the start of their careers whose work sheds light on the nexus between climate change and extreme weather events. Submission deadline – August 31, 2023. https://www.allianz.com/en/sustainability/climate-change/climate-risk-research-award.html#


Commented on Techno-economic analysis of alternative energy communities scenarios in small mountain localities in South Italy. A case study
Interesting case study. The residential community of buildings can install solar panels on their roofs to produce enough electricity to cover their communal consumption. In this way, the production of green energy for own consumption, after households, also begins to conquer buildings.


Commented on The interrelation between social, cultural and political identities, as well as the sense of belonging, and democracies
Europe has faced a growing diversity of identities in recent years, as various factors such as age, culture, society, religion, and politics have changed rapidly. At the same time, the pandemic has shown the value of communities in times of uncertainty. Democracy is in crisis.


Commented on Climate Change & Global Warming
Peatlands are very often the setting for chilling folklore. But they serve an important function - for the climate and biodiversity. They’re capable of absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide, thereby helping to mitigate the climate crisis. One of the world’s most expensive and far-reaching climate experiments is taking place in the US state of Minnesota: in the Marcell Experimental Forest. Here, co-founder Randy Kolka is working with scientists from all over the world. https://youtu.be/MtsQPV49cAk