Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Digital transformation of society
The 6th Tallinn Digital Summit brings together leaders from all over the world to address challenges in a digitally connected future. https://www.digitalsummit.ee/


Commented on Leveling the employment playing field for people with autism: Does diversity training help?
It's an exciting poster. The poster raises some interesting questions and implications for both researchers and practitioners.


Commented on AI prompt engineering hub
This website https://www.promptingguide.ai/ is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about prompting and how to use it to leverage the power and potential of AI. The website was created by Prompting Guide, a team of researchers and practitioners passionate about prompting and AI.


Commented on When Does Cultural Diplomacy Work?
Last year, I had a presentation about the impact of China’s cultural diplomacy in the Western Balkans, and the findings showed that an important tool of China’s cultural diplomacy is the Confucius Institutes (CI) network in the Western Balkans.


Commented on Research in Tropical Vegetable Crops
I have a question. What are some primary challenges when growing vegetables in the tropics?


Commented on The future of travel and transport
DUT Call 2023 is the second call of the DRIVING URBAN TRANSITIONS PARTNERSHIP, which is co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe. On a global level, the call is part of the Mission Innovation (MI) call series, i.e. MICall23. The call will open on 1 September. Applicants can be research organisations, companies and commercial organisations, urban government authorities, and from the culture and creative sectors. Find more information on https://www.ccam.eu/driving-urban-transitions-call-2023/


Commented on Public Health
The video from "ABC Science" explores the transformative role of AI in healthcare, emphasizing its potential in diagnostics and personalized treatments while noting challenges like data security and the need for human oversight. https://youtu.be/p92P5x-WfQg?si=_LeendhzWgnWpMXG


Commented on Generative AI in Healthcare and Public Health
Artificial intelligence may not replace human clinicians but it can transform how they treat diseases and run hospitals.


Commented on Mental health
While the idea of seeking emotional support from an android that looks like something from a science fiction movie may sound surreal, a Chinese tech company is trying to make it a reality. Many young people are very lonely now. Many people probably don't have many friends and they have no family or partner. There will be market demands for this kind of emotional companionship and even partner robots in the future. And there’s a more direct demand from the elderly. There are not too many young people now, and many of them are away from home and it's difficult for them to accompany the elderly. Why are we always talking about companion robots for the elderly? It’s because there’s an obvious and direct demand. https://youtu.be/3YnbWY6cV98?si=GLd7PuOqS2KxYqJ2 What do you think?


Commented on Fake news, disinformation, conspiracy theories
The Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act aim to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and to establish a level playing field for businesses. https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/digital-services-act-package What is your opinion?


Commented on Space Exploration
Pulsar Fusion, a UK startup, is creating a fusion rocket to cut Mars travel time. Current space travel poses health risks from extended exposure to microgravity and radiation. Using nuclear fusion, Pulsar's rocket could dramatically increase travel speeds, aiming for tests by 2025 and fusion temperatures by 2027. https://bigthink.com/the-present/nuclear-fusion-rocket/ Is it possible?


Commented on The Generations Research Hub
This is an old, but very interesting finding. A study published in 2003 on the genetic heritage of the Mongols found that 0.5% of the world's men carry the Genghis Khan gene, and in 8% of the men living in his old territory, the Y chromosome is the same. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1180246/ What is your comment?


Commented on Workation, work from home, hybrid work
Many CEOs are publicly gearing up for yet another return-to-office push. Privately, though, executives expect remote work to keep on growing, according to a new survey. That makes sense: Employees like it, the technology is improving, and — at least for hybrid work — there seems to be no loss of productivity. Despite the headlines, executives expect both hybrid and fully remote work to keep increasing over the next five years. https://hbr.org/2023/08/survey-remote-work-isnt-going-away-and-executives-know-it What is your opinion?


Commented on Organization Spotlight: The Fulbright Program
Great article. In 2022 I applied for the Fulbright Scholar Program. I was shortlisted but was not selected. I applied again this year. I am waiting for the results.


Commented on Space Exploration
The Blue Moon of August 2023 will be the biggest and brightest moon of the year. The Blue Moon will rise on the night of Wednesday (Aug. 30). Blue Moons occur relatively frequently, astronomically speaking, happening once every two to three years. https://www.space.com/super-blue-moon-august-2023-one-week-away