Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
I can tell you that the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) is one of the leading institutions framing the study of superdiversity. They draw together academics from across the UK and the rest of the world to consolidate expertise and generate new thinking in the field. They organize a conference related to superdiversity on 5-6 September 2024 at the University of Birmingham. More info at https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/superdiversity-institute/events/2024-conference


Commented on Anti-aging research
The scientific advancements in anti-aging research, such as fasting, epigenetic reprogramming, and parabiosis, are indeed groundbreaking. They offer a glimpse into a future where the effects of aging could be mitigated, supporting the notion that the Peter Pan dream of retaining youth may not be entirely out of reach. While these techniques are promising, it's important to approach them with cautious optimism. The ethical considerations and potential long-term consequences of such interventions must be thoroughly evaluated to ensure that the pursuit of youth does not come at an unforeseen cost to individuals or society. The balance between extending life and preserving the quality of life remains a critical consideration in this exciting field of research. This video by the Economist is interesting to watch: https://youtu.be/FYr04ymjD1w?si=zCcAUqzmcN0DU1kK


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
I am curious about the availability of remote postdoc positions. With the increasing flexibility in work environments, are there opportunities for postdoctoral scholars to engage in research remotely? If so, what fields or institutions offer such positions, and what are the requirements for candidates interested in these roles?


Commented on Academic Career Advice
In my view, innovation in PhD assessment is necessary, and it should not compromise the depth of expertise and original research that the doctoral thesis represents. PhD assessment needs to evolve to reflect the changing landscape of higher education and the job market. As the article in Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00718-0) states, PhD supervisors can learn a lot from innovations at other stages in education.


Commented on Mental health
The way we interact with political news is indeed multifaceted and can have various psychological effects. It's a topic that's not only relevant to our personal lives but also to the functioning of society as a whole. The balance between staying informed and managing the cognitive and emotional load of constant news exposure is a challenge many face in the digital age. (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/psychology-tomorrow/202403/what-political-news-does-to-our-brain)


Commented on COVID-19 Research and Data
The case of an individual receiving 217 vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 is indeed unusual and highlights the complexity of the human immune response to vaccines. (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(24)00134-8/fulltext#%20) This case study showed higher levels of immune cells and antibodies without compromising his immune system or experiencing adverse effects is a remarkable instance. However, as the researchers indicated, this is a single case study, and the results cannot be generalized for the public.


Commented on Grants & challenges
Winning a GenScript Life Science Research Grant Program (https://www.genscript.com/grantprogram.html) and access to its advanced technologies and platforms could be a game-changer for many researchers and can boost their scientific careers.


Commented on Film & Media Studies Hub
I find Oxford University Press's Film and Media Studies portfolio (https://academic.oup.com/pages/film-and-media-studies) to be a rich and engaging resource for film and media studies enthusiasts. It showcases diverse and innovative scholarly works from various publications and platforms.


Commented on Online networking events, workshops and grant opportunities
This webinar on Women in Research (https://www.euraxess.org.uk/united-kingdom/events/women-research-euraxess-uk-webinar), organized by EURAXESS UK and the British Council, is essential for two reasons. First, it will discuss how to support women researchers, which is important in science, and second, it will address the challenge of retaining women in STEM careers.


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
I share info about a postdoc position (https://www.researchgate.net/job/1007706_Postdoc-Environmental_Ethics_and_or_Technology_Ethics_CETE-P_Mark_Coeckelbergh) that I came across in ResearchGate. I think it is of interest to researchers interested in environmental ethics and/or technology ethics at the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics—Prague. It has no teaching duties and is a research-only position. Research interest in ethics in technology is a challenging topic in AI regulation issues.


Commented on Medical Advancements
By combining their expertise and resources, I believe that the recent collaboration between Seegene Inc. from South Korea and Microsoft can result in innovative and effective solutions for PCR molecular diagnostics, which are essential for detecting and preventing various diseases. (https://news.microsoft.com/ko-kr/2024/01/24/seegene_eng/). I also think that by sharing their technologies with other companies, they can foster a collaborative and inclusive environment that benefits society.


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
In my view, the 6th Global Conference on Women’s Studies in Zurich, Switzerland, from July 5-7, 2024 (https://www.womensconf.org/) offers an excellent networking opportunity for researchers interested in any aspect of gender or women’s studies because it is part of the EUREKA Network Projects, which is a global platform for market-driven R&D and innovation.


Commented on Grants & challenges
In my opinion, it is crucial for academics from the Western Balkan region to approach the EUREKA Western Balkans Call for Projects 2024 with a strategic mindset because it could foster innovation, strengthen research capabilities, and promote economic growth in the region. https://www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu/calls/eureka-western-balkans-call-for-projects-2024/


Commented on Online networking events, workshops and grant opportunities
I share info for the COST online info session open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers. The aim of this session is to inform the research community on how to participate in COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of the COST offer. I have participated in one COST action so far. The session will be on 27 March 2024, 10:00-11:30 CET, Brussels/Paris/Madrid time zone. Registration at https://www.cost.eu/cost-events/online-cost-info-day-2024/


Commented on Cybersecurity Hub
PhD studentship opportunity in Cyber Security at the University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol. The studentship is open to applicants who have a master's degree or equivalent in a relevant field, such as computer science, engineering, mathematics, or physics, and have a strong interest and background in cyber security. The studentship covers tuition fees and a stipend for three years, starting from October 2024. The deadline for application is April 19, 2024. https://www.uwe.ac.uk/research/postgraduate-research-study/how-to-apply/studentship-opportunities/cyber-security