Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Online networking events, workshops and grant opportunities
The EUREKA Western Balkans call for projects represents a promising opportunity for cross-border collaboration and innovation, fostering valuable partnerships in the European R&D landscape. https://www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu/calls/eureka-western-balkans-call-for-projects-2024/


Commented on Summer/Winter schools
The EERIA Summer School offers a focused and enriching program for insurance professionals, combining industry insights with practical learning. It's a great chance to upskill and network in a beautiful setting. Link: https://eeria.org/eeria-summer-school/


Commented on Advances in Cancer Research
CancerTools.org reflects a shared commitment to overcoming one of our time's most challenging health issues. This platform supports cancer researchers by facilitating the acquisition, production, scale-up, and storage of research materials, and it boasts an extensive online portfolio with over 3500 citations associated with available tools.


Commented on Green Technologies and Sustainability
The 2nd NexusNet Training School is an initiative that not only addresses the pressing issue of climate resilience but also empowers professionals and researchers with the tools and understanding necessary to make a tangible difference in the water-energy-food nexus sectors. More info at https://nexusnet-cost.com/2nd-nexusnet-training-school-call-for-applications/


Commented on Climate Change & Global Warming
Understanding climate trends and developing effective responses is vital for the health and well-being of our population and the sustainability of the living environment. According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service and World Meteorological Organization, Europe experienced significant climate events in 2023, including widespread flooding and severe heatwaves (https://climate.copernicus.eu/europe-experiences-widespread-flooding-and-severe-heatwaves-2023). These events highlight the ongoing challenges that climate change poses to societies and environments across the continent.


Commented on Decentralized science
Open Data is crucial for Open Science, promoting transparency and research reproducibility. Despite challenges with sensitive or commercial data, this blog offers seven steps for securely sharing such data while maintaining privacy: https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/blog/seven-steps-for-sharing-sensitive-data-safely


Commented on Winter / Summer Schools 2024
For those looking to expand their academic horizons in a diverse and intellectually stimulating environment, the Summer School at the Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye could be a compelling choice. This Summer School offers a unique opportunity for students interested in political science and international relations. Info at https://www.sciencespo-saintgermainenlaye.fr/en/application/


Commented on Fake news, disinformation, conspiracy theories
The initiative for media literacy capacity-building in the Western Balkans is a proactive step towards empowering students to navigate the complex media landscape. By teaching them to discern and counteract misinformation, it not only enhances their critical thinking skills but also strengthens the region's democratic fabric by promoting informed and responsible citizenship.https://www.horizon.mk/media-literacy-capacity-building-for-western-balkans-students-tackling-spreading-mis-disinformation/


Commented on Mental health
The Rice University study on memory (https://www.newsweek.com/memory-study-remember-forget-rice-university-psychology-us-1890443) is a fascinating exploration into the cognitive processes that determine why we remember certain events over others. It underscores the complexity of memory and highlights the importance of understanding how memories are formed and retained, which could be pivotal in enhancing learning methods and treating memory-related conditions.


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The call for abstracts for WONCA Europe 2024 represents a significant opportunity for professionals in family medicine to contribute to the global discourse. It's an inclusive platform that encourages a diverse range of voices to share innovative research and practices, fostering collaboration and learning within the community. The emphasis on "easy English" for presentations is particularly commendable, as it ensures accessibility and comprehension for a wider audience, potentially enhancing the impact of shared knowledge. https://www.woncaeurope2024.org/call-for-abstracts


Commented on Summer/Winter schools
The International Summer University I have attended in 2020, although held online, likely offered a unique educational experience. The blend of academic rigor and cultural exchange, even in a virtual setting, have provided a rich tapestry of learning and interaction. The opportunity to engage with experts and peers from around the world on pressing geopolitical issues is invaluable, especially considering the complex challenges Europe faces today. This year, the 29th International Summer University is set to take place from June 23-28, 2024, in the historic town of Kőszeg, Hungary. This year's theme, "Europa and the Minotaur: Geopolitics Between Myths and Reality," will delve into Europe's geopolitical challenges and the continent's resilience amidst global changes. More info at https://iask.hu/en/elementor-50708/


Commented on Are You Ready For It? Content Analysis of Emerging Adults' Readiness to Become a Parent
Such studies are important as they can provide insights into the social, psychological, and economic considerations that impact decisions about starting a family in contemporary society. How can the results of this study inform public health programs or educational initiatives related to family planning?


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The 8th International Conference on Modern Approaches in Humanities and Social Sciences (ICMHS). conference is a beacon for thought leaders in humanities and social sciences, offering a unique forum to present cutting-edge research and forge connections with a diverse group of international scholars. Participation in such a conference can be a transformative experience for any researcher looking to make a significant impact in their field. Info at https://www.icmhs.org/call-for-papers/


Commented on Postdoctoral positions 2023 - 2024
This is a prestigious award that support early-career researchers from low- and middle-income countries. The fellowship provides an opportunity for researchers to work in a research institution outside their home country for two years, focusing on multiple sclerosis (MS) research. The McDonald Fellowships are a commendable initiative by the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF), reflecting a commitment to advancing research in multiple sclerosis (MS). https://www.msif.org/research/awards-grants-and-fellowships/mcdonald-fellowships/


Commented on Winter / Summer Schools 2024
ECPS Academy Summer School's focus on "Populism and Foreign Policy" is a timely and important topic that offers a comprehensive understanding that could be valuable for master’s and PhD levels students, early career researchers, post-docs, and anyone interested in the intersections of domestic politics and international relations. It is free and virtual. More info at https://www.populismstudies.org/ecps-academy-summer-school-populism-and-foreign-policy-how-does-populist-politics-influence-foreign-affairs-july-1-5-2024/