Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
This conference extends a warm invitation to scholars for submissions that not only delve into the core areas of psychology and behavioral sciences but also encourage papers that explore the innovative intersections of interdisciplinary research. The 2nd World Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (21 July 2024 in London, United Kingdom), more info at https://www.wpbconf.org/call-for-paper/


Commented on AI in education, teaching, learning
I like this article because it includes a list of award-winning AI LMS platforms, their features, and how they can enhance the eLearning experience for both educators and learner: https://elearningindustry.com/best-ai-tools-for-training-and-education-top-lms-platforms


Commented on The Generations Research Hub
The Economist discusses a shift in the economic fortunes of British baby boomers, indicating that for the first time, this demographic is experiencing a financial disadvantage. It explores the factors contributing to this change, such as evolving economic policies, market dynamics, and social trends affecting the financial stability and prospects of the baby boomer generation in the UK. The economic challenges faced by British baby boomers, as highlighted by The Economist, may signal a significant shift in generational wealth and could have broader implications for the economy and social policies. Link: https://www.economist.com/britain/2024/03/27/british-boomers-are-losing-out-for-the-first-time


Commented on Climate Change & Global Warming
The resources provided by Annual Reviews are invaluable for researchers and the broader scientific community, offering comprehensive insights and fostering a deeper understanding of climate-related issues. Link: https://www.annualreviews.org/page/climateresources


Commented on Mental health
These findings of the Ohio State University study (https://www.sciencealert.com/venting-doesnt-reduce-anger-but-something-else-does-study-finds) on anger management could be seen as enlightening. They challenge the traditional notion of catharsis through venting and instead promote calming techniques as more effective. This could encourage individuals and professionals in the field of psychology to re-evaluate and potentially adopt these alternative methods for anger management.


Commented on Research on democracy
The 2nd International Conference on Political Sciences could be seen as an essential forum for advancing political discourse and fostering international collaboration among scholars and practitioners in the field. It is scheduled to take place in London, United Kingdom, from July 19–21, 2024. Info at www.politicalsciences.org/


Commented on Access to scientific infrastructure
The InfraBooster Foundation's initiative greatly fosters collaboration between science and industry. Providing training on managing research infrastructures empowers scientific organizations to drive innovation and create impactful solutions. The application process status is now open. More info at https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/infrabooster/infrabooster-foundation


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The Third Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence represents a significant gathering for the AI community, potentially fostering collaboration and innovation. Events such as this one are crucial for driving the field forward and addressing both the opportunities and challenges presented by AI advancements. More info at http://aai2024.kg.ac.rs/


Commented on World Scientists Rankings 2023
The AD Scientific Index (https://www.adscientificindex.com/highly-cited-researcher/) provides a ranking of highly cited researchers, which is a valuable resource for recognizing the impact and influence of scientists worldwide. However, such rankings could inadvertently pressure researchers to focus on citation metrics over other important aspects of scholarship.


Commented on World University Rankings
The University of Zurich has decided to withdraw from the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking (https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/education/university-of-zurich-quits-international-university-ranking/73693006). The institution expressed concerns that the ranking system creates "false incentives" by focusing on measurable outputs such as the number of publications, which may lead to prioritizing quantity over quality. The university also stated that such rankings do not comprehensively measure the diverse achievements in research and teaching of a university. This decision reflects a broader debate in academia about the value and impact of university rankings. What is your opinion about it?


Commented on Scholarship opportunities for researchers, students from across Africa
The MESA Global Academy's grant program stands out as a beacon of support, providing displaced scholars the means to continue their valuable research. A $5,000 award covers travel and research expenses. The application deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is May 1, 2024, More info at https://mesaglobalacademy.org/grant-opportunities/


Commented on 21st Century Skills
The significance of the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative is a proactive and strategic investment in Europe's future, aiming to equip individuals with the skills necessary for thriving in the rapidly evolving deep tech landscape. This could lead to a more dynamic and innovative environment, fostering advancements that could shape the technological and economic future of Europe. This initiative aims to train one million people in deep tech across Europe by funding up to 20 projects. The total funding amount is up to €2 million. The call targets organizations that can create new programs for tertiary training in various deep tech areas, such as Advanced Computing, AI, Cybersecurity, and more. Proposals must involve a consortium of at least two entities and align with the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative Pledge: https://www.eitdeeptechtalent.eu/calls-and-opportunities/eit-deep-tech-talent-initiative-call-for-training-proposals/


Commented on Landscapes, Global Change, and Health
These projects could serve as a model for future research that seeks to integrate ecological sustainability with societal well-being.


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The International Conference on Social Sciences in Helsinki, Finland (12-14 July 2024) could be a unique opportunity to explore the broader social science landscape. While AI might not be explicitly mentioned, topics like globalization and social change often touch on emerging technologies. Plus, networking with scholars across social sciences could spark new connections and perspectives to inform your work on AI's impact on society. More info at https://www.ics21.org/


Commented on 21st Century Skills
The annual Conference of the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) looks like a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in upskilling and reskilling for digital and green transformation. It's especially valuable for those working in Europe given its location at the University of Valladolid in Spain (University of Valladolid in Spain (June 26-28, 2024). With a mix of networking sessions, a general assembly, and a conference, attendees can gain new knowledge and connect with others in their field. The fee seems reasonable, especially for EBSN members. More info at https://conference.basicskills.eu/