Abdullah M. Asiri

Saudi Arabia King Abdulaziz University

Published in 2019
Detection of uric acid based on doped ZnO/Ag2O/Co3O4 nanoparticle loaded glassy carbon electrode
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Journal: New Journal of Chemistry
Published in 2019
Development of 3-methoxyaniline sensor probe based on thin Ag2O@La2O3 nanosheets for environmental safety
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Journal: New Journal of Chemistry
Published in 2019
Development of an efficient phenolic sensor based on facile Ag2O/Sb2O3 nanoparticles for environmental safety
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Journal: Nanoscale Advances
Published in 2019
Direct Z scheme-fashioned photoanode systems consisting of Fe2O3 nanorod arrays and underlying thin Sb2Se3 layers toward enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting performance
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Journal: Nanoscale
Published in 2019
Direct Z scheme-fashioned photoanode systems consisting of Fe2O3 nanorod arrays and underlying thin Sb2Se3 layers toward enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting performance (vol 11, pg 106, 2019)
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Journal: Nanoscale
Published in 2019
Efficient electrochemical detection and extraction of copper ions using ZnSe-CdSe/SiO2 core-shell nanomaterial
Authors: Esraa M. Bakhsh, Sher Bahadar Khan, Hadi M. Marwani, Ekram Y. Danish, Abdullah M. Asiri
Journal: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Published in 2019
Efficient selective 4-aminophenol sensing and antibacterial activity of ternary Ag2O3·SnO2·Cr2O3 nanoparticles
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Journal: New Journal of Chemistry
Published in 2019
Electrocatalytic N2-to-NH3 conversion using oxygen-doped graphene: experimental and theoretical studies
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Journal: Chemical Communications
Published in 2019
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of 4-Aminophenol Molecules at the Surface of an FeS2/Carbon Nanotube Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode in Aqueous Medium
Authors: Jahir Ahmed, Riad H. Rakib, Mohammed M. Rahman, Iqbal A. Siddiquey, Saiful S.M. Islam, Abdullah M. Asiri, Mohammad Hasnat
Journal: ChemPlusChem
Published in 2019
Electrospun TiC/C nanofibers for ambient electrocatalytic N2 reduction
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Journal: Journal of Materials Chemistry A