Yue Liu

China Shenyang Normal University

Published in 2024
Recognizing Problems in Publications Concerned with Microwave Absorption Film and Providing Corrections: A Focused Review
Authors: Yue Liu, Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew
Journal: Qeios
Errors common in publication have been analyses in details. Serious consequences have been resulted in, such as the establishments of the wrong impedance matching theory and wrong absorption mechanism, since these errors have not been corrected in time. Material scientists continue the practice of the wrong theories when the correct new wave mechanics theory for microwave absorption film had been developed to replace those wrong theories, just because they have become deeply ingrained in the wrong concepts built up from those errors.
Published in 2024
Review of Wave Mechanics Theory for Microwave Absorption by Film
Authors: Yue Liu, Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew
Journal: Qeios
The clear distinction between film and material have been ignored in current microwave absorption theory. This confusion has led to the establishment of the wrong theory of impedance matching and as a consequence the development of the wrong absorption mechanism. These problems are detailed and corrected, and the current mechanism is highlighted in this review.
Published in 2024
Wave mechanics of microwave absorption in films: A short review
Authors: -
Journal: Optics & Laser Technology
Published in 2024
Comments on: “A perspective on impedance matching and resonance absorption mechanism ...
Authors: Yue Liu, Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew
Journal: Qeios
https://doi.org/10.32388/9P8Q56 https://www.qeios.com/work-supplementary-data/9P8Q56/supplementary-material.pdf [Commentary] Comments on: “A perspective on impedance matching and resonance absorption mechanism for electromagnetic wave absorbing” by Hou et al. [Carbon 222 (2024) 118935]
Published in 2024
Corrections of common errors in current theories of microwave absorption caused by confusing film and material
Authors: Yue Liu, Ying Liu, Michael G. B Drew
Journal: Qeios
Film and material have been confused in the current theory of microwave absorption, which has led to some specific problems in publications and common errors in current theories. These specific problems and errors have been identified and corrected by using wave mechanics to develop new theories to describe the physics of microwave absorption in film.
Published in 2024
A theoretical exploration of impedance matching coefficients for interfaces and films
Authors: -
Journal: Applied Physics A
Published in 2024
Chapter 4: Fundamental theory of microwave absorption for films of porous nanocomposites: role of interfaces in composite fillers
Authors: Ying Liu , Michael. G.B. Drew and Yue Liu
Journal: Book: Porous Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
https://shop.elsevier.com/books/porous-nanocomposites-for-electromagnetic-interference-shielding/thomas/978-0-323-90035-5 =============== Porous Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90035-5.00013-1 © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. =============================== Ying Liu, Michael. G.B. Drew, Yue Liu, Chapter 4: Fundamental Theory of Microwave Absorption for Films of Porous Nanocomposites: Role of Interfaces in Composite-Fillers, in Porous Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Edited by: Sabu Thomas, Claudio Paoloni, Avinash R. Pai, 2024, Elsevier, [978-0-323-90035-5_B978-0-323-90035-5.00013-1], pp. 59 - 90
Published in 2024
Wave mechanics of microwave absorption in films - Distinguishing film from material
Authors: -
Journal: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Published in 2023
Authors: 刘颖, 刘跃
Journal: 分子科学学报
分子科学学报. 2023,39(06), 521 - 527 微波吸收现行理论将膜和材料混淆,把只能用于膜的反射损失(RL)性质用来表征材料,于是建立了错误的阻抗匹配理论和错误的膜吸收机理.阻抗匹配理论的不严谨表现为它有不同的定义,结果导致荒谬的结论如材料吸收的微波比进入材料的微波更多.这个事实说明阻抗匹配理论将孤立界面和在膜中的界面相混淆.阻抗匹配理论是建立在不可定义的物理量基础上的理论,存在严重缺陷.主流理论认为是材料本身具有多个吸收峰的性质导致(RL)有多个极小值.实际上均匀材料中的任何位置其微波吸收能力是一样的.微波在材料中传播的越远,被吸收的就越多,不会出现吸收峰.因而主流理论中膜的吸收峰又被错误地归结为材料的共振吸收.采用理论方法和自己实验室的实验数据,在波相消干涉的基础上建立了不同于当前主流理论的膜吸收机理并开拓性地应用了新理论.并指出文献报道的实验数据并不支持主流理论.同时通过已经发表的数据说明材料和膜的吸收机理不同,膜的吸收峰不是材料本身的属性,微波中的阻抗匹配理论应该用波的相消干涉理论取代.膜的多个吸收峰是膜特有的能量守恒所要求的、是角度效应的结果,需要用波的相消干涉分析,与材料的共振吸收没有任何关系.主流微波吸收理论混淆了实数和复数运算的不同规律.
Published in 2023
Review of: Some Considerations on the Speed of Light
Authors: Ying Liu
Journal: qeios