Andi Cudai Nur

Indonesia State University of Makassar

Published in 2022
Mapping Strategy Development Of Traveler Destinations In Empowerment Local Community East Coast In South Sulawesi
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur, Niswati , R., Cante, S. R., Mustafa, D., & Akib, H
Journal: EduTourism Journal of Tourism Research (EJTR)
Research carried out to identify, analyze, and orientation of the mapping strategy to support the development of tourism destinations empowering local communities and area-based tourism as its leading sector. The approach used is qualitative and quantitative mix techniques. The results showed that developments rating in Sinjai can be seen from 1) traveller, 2) traveller destination, 3) traveller activities, 4) of accommodation used, 5) traveller trips, 6) average expenditure, 7) characteristics of the traveller market. From the description of the results of the study has increased every year. This is because adequate infrastructure increasingly supported sights. The mapping showed an increase and expansion of the traveller area each year. Increased traveller destinations and the availability of adequate infrastructure provide the opportunity for local communities to take part in the tourism industry that contributes to the empowerment of local communities. The government's efforts in promoting the expansion of development opportunities in various sectors of the tourism sector strongly support the improvement of the economy and social life at the local community level.
Published in 2021
Breakthroughs in the development of regional leading sectors: challenges and sustainability
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur, A Aslinda, M Guntur, D Didin, Haedar Akib
Journal: Linguistics and Culture Review
The purpose of this research is to identify, analyze, explain the essence and orientation of regional-based tourism development as a leading sustainable sector. The approach used is qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results showed that as one of the leading sectors in the Sinjai area is tourism, considering that the tourism potential in Sinjai is quite potential seen from three aspects, namely: 1) natural tourism potential consisting of 35 natural attractions scattered from each district, 2) historical potential and regional culture consisting of 71 tourist destinations, 3) man-made tourism potential and special interest. Tourism in Sinjai has taken a toll on the Co-19 pandemic so that the impact is quite concerning for the local government and local communities. Is there still the government's support and interest in developing the tourism sector, which is a challenge in its sustainability. It takes creativity, innovation and breakthroughs by the government in absorbing various changes and technological advances for future life.
Published in 2021
Effect of Inadequate Availability of Facilities Infrastructure and Finance on the Implementation of Green Open Space Policy
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur1, *, Risma Niswaty2
Journal: Springer Nature
This study aims to determine the results of the evaluation of green open space policies in Makassar City that have been implemented. Based on the criteria of personnel, adequate institutional and regulatory resources, only the criteria for facilities and infrastructure, as well as finances are still inadequate in its implementation. This research is a type of qualitative research that is descriptive and aims to determine the results of the evaluation of green open space policies in Makassar City. The evaluation of the Green Open Space Policy related to the South Sulawesi Provincial Regulation Number 9 of 2009 concerning the 2009-2029 Green Open Space Plan, has been carried out adequately on three of the five criteria. The implementation of the green open space plan is still in the process and continues to make efforts to increase the availability of green open space in South Sulawesi Province. In 2021 this will still be in the range of 7-11% if plus green open areas in all areas including existing alleys, and that is in accordance with existing regulations where green open spaces must have a 30% share by 2029.
Published in 2020
The Role of Technology in Development Policy in the Era of Globalization in South Sulawesi Indonesia
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur, Risma Niswaty, Delly Mustafa, Muhammad Guntur, Aslinda
Journal: Springer Nature
This study tries to further look at how local governments use existing technology to develop regional development by creating a digitalization strategy. Local governments can take advantage of technology in development, by designing a policy digitalization strategy to support development excellence in tourism areas to realize competitive and sustainable development in South Sulawesi. This study uses a combination of sequential explanatory research models or design methods that combine a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods in series, where in the first stage research is carried out using quantitative methods and in the second stage with qualitative methods. The development of tourism destinations, preferably from the initial process, needs to be supported by digitalization of technology and policies in the following aspects: 1) Cultural characteristics, historical conditions, cultural and social conditions that affect the process and outcome. 2) Administrative, legal and political framework, with various administrative provisions, laws and regulations, and political conditions for tourism development. 3) The level of integration of various stakeholders, including the implementation of the tourism business model. This study tries to further look at how local governments use existing technology to develop the tourism sector by designing a simple digitalization strategy.
Published in 2019
Development Partnership Strategy Tourism Destinations Integrated and Infrastructure in South Sulawesi Indonesia
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur, Haedar Akib, R Niswaty, A Aslinda, H Zaenal
Journal: SSRN Electronic Journal
The tourism sector is one source of potential revenue and promising. The attention to tourism is very widespread, this happens because tourism brings benefits and advantages for a country. The tourism sector can be a Core Economy Indonesia because it is one of the key factors in increasing revenue service exports, job creation, entrepreneurship development and others, saw the great potential of the then government made a policy. This study uses a combination of research methods sequential explanatory model or design a method that combines a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods in series, wherein the first phase of the research carried out by using quantitative methods and in the second stage with qualitative methods (R R Prayuda, 2019). Quantitative methods serves to obtain measurable quantitative data that can be descriptive, comparative and associative (R R Prayuda, 2019). Then the qualitative method serves to prove, deepen expand, weaken and abort the quantitative data which have been obtained at an early stage (Sugiono, 2017: 415). The study is a mixed methods research approaches that combine or associate the form of qualitative and quantitative form (José F. Molina-Azorín, María D. López Gamero, Jorge PereiraMoliner & Pertusa-Ortega., 2012).The results showed that support the development of tourism needs to be built tourist information centers or "tourism information center" (TIC), which is placed at strategic locations such as shopping centers, terminals and other public places. The spatial arrangement and environment Bulukumba must continue to support and work together with various stakeholders the main parties on the development of the tourism sector, the arrangement location of the overall tourist areas began in Limbua religious locations as tourism icons Bulukumba and Revitalization of Tourism Region Bira beach as seed.
Published in 2019
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur
Journal: JISPO Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
This study aims to determine the policy strategy partnership integrated the development of tourism destinations in South Sulawesi. This study uses a combination of research methods sequential explanatory model or designs a method that combines a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods in series, wherein the first phase of the research carried out by using quantitative methods and in the second stage with qualitative methods. This type of research used in this study is mixed methods research (mixed methods). The study is a mixed-methods research approach that combines or associate the form of qualitative and quantitative form. This approach involves philosophical assumptions, approaches the application of qualitative and quantitative, and mixing (mixing) of both approaches in a single study. Policy in the form of Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPP) used as a guide in directing, fostering, developing, and controlling the development of the tourism sector in Bulukumba, preferably stems from the source of the problem and must be enforceable through local regulation.
Published in 2018
The Curriculum Development Based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework
Authors: Andi Cudai Nur, Ratmawati T, St. Habibah
Journal: Springger Nature
This research aims to understand how the process and provision of a curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework. This is the qualitative research, and the research subject is the process of developing a curriculum of the Education Administration Department in Education Faculty of Universitas Negeri Makassar. Data sources of this research consist of Head of Department, curriculum developer lecturer board and the lecturers in the department. The instrument used to gather data in this research are an interview, field notes, and documentation. The result of this research shows that the process of curriculum preparation of Education Administration Department is conducted based on three steps starting from the graduate profile, courses formation, and courses preparation. The formulation of learning achievement in Education Administration Department based on Specific Skill and Knowledge that has been set out by Association of Indonesian Educational Administration Management Programs Moreover, this formulation were adjusted to skill and knowledge element according to bachelor degree or 6th level in the framework of qualification. The courses formation of education administration department is done based on higher education curriculum preparation. Moreover, the preparation of courses involved all lecturers in the department in determining the courses and materials that are by the learning outcome.