Aleksandar Karadimce

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
I'm inviting you to publish at the ICT Innovations 2024 conference. Topic: “ICT INNOVATIONS 2024: TechConvergence: AI, Business, and Startup Synergy”.Calling all researchers! Submit your original, unpublished work to ICT Innovations 2024, a leading conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) advancements. We welcome submissions across diverse ICT topics (see the full list: Present your groundbreaking research and connect with a global ICT community! Submission Details: * Visit for details. * One author must register for the conference on 28 – 30 SEPTEMBER 2024, Ohrid. NORTH MACEDONIA


Commented on Journal Publishing
Here are some ways to find calls for Journal Publication: Journal Publishing Hub: Like those mentioned here, many journal publishing hubs offer search functionalities for calls for papers. Here are a few examples: Scholarly Knowledgebase (ScholarOne) ( Editorial Manager ( Open Access Publishing Support Fund (OAPSF) ( Publisher Websites: Most academic publishers maintain dedicated sections on their websites showcasing current calls for papers in their journals. You can find these sections by browsing the publisher's website or searching for "Calls for Papers". Professional Societies and Associations: Professional societies and associations in your field might announce calls for papers relevant to their members. Check their websites or publications for announcements. Subscription Services: Some subscription services aggregate calls for papers from various sources. These can help stay up-to-date on various topics but may require a fee. Remember, choosing reputable journals with established peer-review processes is important when submitting your research for publication.


Commented on AI & your research work
Epoch AI ( is a group of researchers dedicated to studying and predicting the evolution of advanced AI. They maintain a database of AI and machine learning models released since the 1950s. They select entries based on state-of-the-art advancements, historical significance, or high citation rates. Analyzing these models provides a comprehensive overview of the machine learning landscape’s evolution, both in recent years and over the past few decades.


Commented on AI in education, teaching, learning
These studies show that generative AI—including models like ChatGPT-3.5 and Variational Autoencoders—can effectively teach novel concepts in PK–8 classrooms, adjust to students' varying knowledge levels, assess complex work, and improve engagement and retention. These studies show that generative AI—including models like ChatGPT-3.5 and Variational Autoencoders—can effectively teach novel concepts in PK–8 classrooms, adjust to students' varying knowledge levels, assess complex work, and improve engagement and retention.


Commented on Coverage versus response time objectives in ambulance location
This study examines optimal locations for emergency medical stations (EMS). While past research relied on simplified models, this work creates a more realistic model considering diverse urban-rural areas and ambulance types. The authors compare three models: minimizing average response time, maximizing short-response-time calls, and a two-tiered model for different vehicle types. A computer simulation based on real ambulance data from Slovakia evaluates each model. All models improved response times compared to current station placements. The two-tiered model's best performer reduced average response time by nearly a minute, increased timely responses by 5%, and significantly improved response times for high-priority calls. These findings suggest that, in complex areas, prioritizing faster response times overall is more beneficial than maximizing short response times for a set number of calls.


Commented on An optimization and simulation approach to emergency stations relocation
This research proposes three methods for relocating emergency medical stations (EMS) based on median-type location models. The aim is to optimize patients' access to urgent care. The authors compare these models using a computer simulation built with real data from a Slovakian healthcare provider. The simulation suggests that even a basic p-median model can substantially improve patient access to urgent medical services.


Commented on Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
The Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry's primary mission is to promote improvement in the health and well-being of the community through the development and practice of clinical biochemistry and the dissemination of knowledge and recent advances in this discipline among professionals, the diagnostics industry, and government and non-government organizations.


Commented on Ethical Implications of AI-Generated Content
Promote AI Literacy is essential. This involves understanding both the human and technical sides of AI. By weaving AI literacy into academic frameworks and teaching methods, we can empower students to become informed users and future developers of these powerful technologies. This will give them a competitive edge in the evolving job market. What is your opinion on this topic?


Commented on AI in education, teaching, learning
AI is rapidly entering the classroom, and with it comes a need for clear rules and direction. AI offers exciting opportunities to enhance learning, but it shouldn't replace teachers. Instead, it should be a tool to empower them. By promoting an understanding of AI, we can prepare students for the complexities of the modern world and equip them with the skills to navigate an uncertain future. As the US Department of Education warns (, it's crucial to address AI in education to reap its benefits, minimize risks, and avoid unforeseen consequences.


Commented on IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
The IEEE editorial decision-making process for academic journals typically involves the following steps: Initial editor screening: The editor will first screen the paper to ensure it meets the journal's formatting requirements and falls within the journal's scope. Peer review: The editor will then assign the paper to two or three reviewers who are experts in the field. The reviewers will evaluate the paper based on its originality, significance, methodology, clarity, and overall quality. Editorial decision: Based on the reviewers' reports, the editor will make a decision on the paper. The possible decisions include: Accept: The paper is of high quality and can be published without any revisions. Reject: The paper is not of sufficient quality for publication in the journal. Revise and resubmit: The paper has merit but needs to be revised before it can be published. Minor revisions: The paper can be published with only minor revisions.


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The 2024 IEEE ISNCC conference on networking, computing, and communications is happening in Washington D.C. this October! Submit your research (full papers, posters, demos welcome) by June 2nd for a chance to present alongside experts and get published in top databases. Learn about cutting-edge topics like AI and Data Science. Network with fellow researchers and propel your career forward! Don't miss out, visit for details.


Commented on International Scholarships & Awards 2024
International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) offered by the German Bundestag.  The German diplomatic missions in the participating countries handle the application process. Here's what we do know based on publicly available information: There isn't a current application period open yet. There are indications the next program will be in 2025. Eligibility is restricted to citizens of specific countries. The Bundestag website lists participating countries for specific programs (e.g., African or Arab countries). Applications are submitted through German diplomatic missions in your home country. The selection process involves an interview at the German mission and evaluation by a committee based on your academic record, social and political engagement, German language skills (B2 level minimum) and intercultural skills. To be best prepared, check the Bundestag website ( for announcements about the next application period. You can also contact your local German embassy or consulate for more specific details and deadlines once they become available.


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The 3rd International Conference on Logistics and Transportation (ICLT 2024) will be held on October 24-25, 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference focuses on "Navigating Global Connectivity: Innovations in Logistics and Transportation". Here are the important dates: Submission of abstract or full paper: July 31, 2024 Acceptance notification: Once Submitted Via EDAS (ASAP) Camera-ready manuscript: July 31, 2024 For more information, please visit the conference website:


Commented on Funding grants & challenges
ERC Info Session: Grants for excellent frontier research • Virtual • 10 June 2024 Find more about the European Research Council's bottom-up grants, which this top European funding agency offers for outstanding frontier research. In all domains, the ERC encourages investigator-driven frontier research. It provides research funds to scholars and scientists worldwide, at every stage of their careers, to support their ambitious studies across all European scientific fields.


Commented on Green Technologies and Sustainability
Ethical consumerism is poised to play a transformative role in reshaping industry standards through Green Technologies, such as the metaverse. By offering immersive experiences highlighting sustainable and humane farming practices, virtual environments can influence consumer behaviours, encouraging demand for ethically produced animal products. This shift toward ethical consumerism demands a careful balance between promoting transparency and avoiding the pitfalls of misrepresentation or greenwashing. The digitalization of livestock farming unveils novel business opportunities, from monetizing farm-generated data to offering specialized consultancy services. Diversification of income sources can diminish dependence on conventional farming income, paving the way for more resilient and versatile business models.