Aleksandar Karadimce

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid


Commented on International Student Mobility
Special issue about “Youth migration, media and transnational education” with the Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research (Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung). Possible topics can be related to – but not limited to: * Young migrants’ use of media for educational purposes * Young migrants’ digital media literacy in transnational contexts * Online experiences with racism and discrimination in contexts of formal education/educational institutions * Migrant students’ platform / digital labour * Connections of migrant student’s digital labour and educational institutions * Inequalities in access to digital gadgets/platforms in contexts of formal education About the journal ISSN: 1862-5002 Link to the journal


The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) is an international journal that publishes cutting-edge research in all areas of modern chemical physics and physical chemistry. In addition to Articles, JCP also publishes brief Communications ( of significant new findings, Perspectives ( or Reviews on the latest advances in the field, Tutorials as educational tools for the community, and Special Topic issues (  Great and very detailed Author Instructions


Commented on Journal of Physics Communications
Journal of Physics Communications is a fully open-access journal dedicated to the rapid publication of high-quality research in all areas of physics. Submission to a first decision before peer review is three days The acceptance rate is    32%


Commented on COMPLEXITY
Third French  Regional Conference on Complex Systems May 31 – June 02, 2023, in Le Havre, France FRCCS 2023 is an opportunity to exchange and promote the cross-fertilization of ideas by presenting recent research work, industrial developments, and original applications. Special attention is given to research topics with a high societal impact from the complexity science perspective. *FRCCS 2023* <> Selected submissions of unpublished work will be invited for publication in a special issue (fast track procedure) of the journal: Complexity, <>


Commented on University of Durham (Residential Research Library)
There are a small number of competitive PhD studentships (fellowships) at Durham University  ( Computer Science ( Distributed computing and algorithms is one of the areas of interest, particularly within the NESTiD research group (   The turnaround is very tight, however, for the first scheme (March 2nd)(DDS) and May 8th for the second scheme (DTP). Both offer international funding.  Roughly:   -   The student needs to be in touch with potential supervisors(s) with a good research idea, Then apply at Supervisors need to nominate students (with the proposal) for the fellowships below (funding is very competitive). Info about our research group (Network Engineering, Science, and Theory in Durham) is here:


Commented on Vizual'naia teologiia
The Visual Theology Journal is a scientific, peer-reviewed open, access periodical. The journal is organized to discuss theoretical issues related to the visual aspects of the representation and translation of theological knowledge and visual-semiotic parameters of religious practices in the past and present. The journal provides opportunities for independent, critical, and responsible reflection in line with the current interest in iconology, sacred architecture, hierology, sacred art, the role of visual images in theological discourse, sacred practices, and in the organization of cultural space.


Commented on Nature Communications
Editors' Highlights The aim is to provide a convenient snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas at Nature Communications. On this page Multidisciplinary research Life sciences research Physical sciences research


Commented on AI & your research work
Invitation authors to publish information technology research papers in the field of artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data, machine learning, in the Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology ISSN(Online): 2583-3979 earch_information_technology


Commented on Multidisciplinary science
"Global Art and Psychology Seminar", a multi-hub conference about music, art, and creativity, taking place between 14-16 September 2023: This conference aims to offer students and early career researchers (including MA, MSc, and  doctoral students, as well as postdocs) all around the globe an innovative platform through which ideas, experiences, insights, and knowledge about (the relationship between) music, art, and creativity can be shared in an inclusive and rigorous way.


Commented on The Metaverse, gamification, NFTs, ...
Public Services and Blockchain: Why, why not, what, and how? The TOKEN project has worked with four real-life use cases in smart cities to build, test, and pilot how distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), such as blockchain, can be used in public services. Bringing together policymakers, researchers, developers, and public officials from different levels of government, front-runner thinkers, and industry, the event will share learnings from concrete use cases and insight into what the future might hold for DLTs in public services and beyond.  The event will be organized on 14 March 2023, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET Live at the Old Town Hall of Leuven, Belgium – online via Teams


Commented on Applied Network Science
Third French  Regional Conference on Complex Systems May 31 – June 02, 2023, in Le Havre, France FRCCS 2023 is an opportunity to exchange and promote the cross-fertilization of ideas by presenting recent research work, industrial developments, and original applications. Special attention is given to research topics with a high societal impact from the complexity science perspective. *FRCCS 2023* <> Selected submissions of unpublished work will be invited for publication in a special issue (fast-track procedure) of the journal:  Applied Network Science, <> edited by Springer


Commented on Financial literacy and young people
France's Digital Strategy for Education calls for the development of “digital commons” The French Ministry of Education published its Digital Strategy for 2023-2027. The general strategy has four main objectives: - To strengthen national and local cooperation between education stakeholders - Developing students' digital skills - Provide teachers with a clear offer of digital tools and resources - Develop the robustness, security, accessibility, quality and environmental responsibility of IT tools Overall, the digital strategy for education hints at an increase in the use of free and open-source software for all parts related to the French education system, with a particular focus on providing students with appropriate training.


Commented on Digital transformation of society
The 13th edition of the EUI's flagship conference, The State of the Union, will occur in Florence on 4 – 6 May. This year's edition, "Building Europe in times of uncertainty," will gather high-level political leaders, journalists, and experts from academia to discuss the challenges facing Europe today. #SOU2023’s panels, conversations, and addresses will foster reflection on key policy areas, including: Challenges to democracy Geopolitics and EU priorities Green transition and energy security Rethinking the global economic scenario The digital and tech transition - Discover the programme and list of announced speakers.


Commented on BMES Awards
BMES Student Chapter Awards Multiple Outstanding and Travel awards are available on this link BMES recognizes our student chapters' outstanding contributions to the biomedical engineering field by awarding those who demonstrate leadership, commitment, growth, integrity, and ingenuity. To be considered for one of the below awards, you must be a compliant student chapter, and it must submit a Chapter Development Report (CDR) by June 1st to


Commented on Data Science
S-E-L-S: Solid foundation, Explore, Learn, and Show. Data Analyst Remember: (1) Ensure a solid foundation, (2) Explore what the world has to offer, (3) Learn and keep your capabilities up to date, and (4) Show up and showcase your work.