Wai Lo

United States UConn


Commented on International Journal of Public Sector Management
Professor Rocco Palumbo serves as the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal, starting July 14, 2023. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy, and a Visiting Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. He has collaborated with Stockholm University and KU Leuven. Professor Palumbo’s research focuses on public management and health services, emphasizing service co-production and value co-creation. He also studies organizational change management and workplace discrimination, with over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals.


Commented on A Path Towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence with Dr. Yann LeCun
Seems an interesting talk!


Commented on NIH Visiting Program (USA)
I guess this is for J-1 visa visiting scholar to NIH.


Development of a standard Small Satellite (e.g. CubeSat range) research platform for Life Sciences research - Plants is one of current topic, seems interesting!!!


Commented on NASA Fellowship
Interesting funding opportunity for K12 in Idaho.


Commented on Opportunities for Currently NSF Supported and Self-Sustaining, Graduated Engineering Research Centers to Partner with Small Businesses (ERC & SBIR)
NSF has released the new Engineering Research Centers solicitation 24-576. The document is available at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/gen-4-engineering-research-centers-erc__;!!Cn_UX_p3!kHhLLN4Zgs6aPkaFgscGUtEddka-Hb1dgLy6Y5tISugEoKa63Vd6uom9pRcsfj4Fkf7cIat_2q-d$ . Letters of intent are due Sept 3, 2024 and preliminary proposals are due on Sept 30, 2024.


Commented on A dairy and non diary based-millet beverages
In addition, what marketing approaches could highlight the nutritional benefits of millet-based beverages to health-conscious consumers?


Commented on Influence of front-of-pack labels (FOPL) on consumer buying
@Neil, increasing consumer awareness will not only benefit individual health but also contribute to broader economic and social gains, making the effort truly impactful.


Commented on A dairy and non diary based-millet beverages
What potential challenges might arise in the production and market acceptance of millet-based beverages, and how can they be addressed?


Commented on Functional Genomics and the Path to Personalized Medicine
The final-draft sequence of the human genome was announced, driven by the goal of advancing personalized medicine. However, identifying genes and understanding sequence variations have proven to be more challenging than anticipated, highlighting that this milestone was just the beginning of ongoing efforts in genetic medicine.


Commented on US election: Questioning the candidates
Barack Obama accepted Nature's invitation to answer 18 science-related questions in writing Obama's answers to many of the questions are printed in this Nature's article.


Commented on Modern Health Care for All Americans
Authored by Barrack Obama. This was about the health care reform in US and for his presidential candidates.


Commented on The irreversible momentum of clean energy
Authored by the former President Barrack Obama. The urgency of mitigating climate change is undeniable, supported by extensive scientific evidence and a compelling economic case for action. Despite policy uncertainties, the U.S. is well-positioned to tackle the climate challenge and benefit economically from a low-carbon future, with prudent policies focusing on decarbonizing the energy system, carbon storage, and reducing emissions.


Commented on The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014
Between 2001 and 2014 in the United States, higher income was linked to longer life, with the gap in life expectancy between income groups widening over time. This association varied by region, with some areas seeing smaller gaps and others larger. These differences were influenced by health behaviors and local characteristics.