Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Optimising the effects of physical activity on mental health and wellbeing: A joint consensus statement from Sports Medicine Australia and the Australian Psychological Society
Very interesting to focus on domains and delivery of activities in a way that an individual can enjoy and have the self-efficacy and confidence. The recommendations can help practitioners to optimize activities and mental health outcomes.


Commented on Scientific Inventions and Findings
Hydrogel to purify water Thoughts?


Commented on Toxic Effects of Environmental Heavy Metals on Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
Here is a paper to counter toxicity: This reviews therapies through natural resources and nanotech to treat heavy metal toxicity.


Commented on Parent and child sex-initiation values and their relationship to child sex
Interesting findings and makes sense seeing the mothers have these discussions. As the future research needs states, I would be curious to see the father contributions and how that is valued compared to mothers. A variety of variables would be considered to assess influence further.


Commented on Thought Experiments in Video Games: Exploring the (Un)Ethics of Motherhood in Frictional Games’ Amnesia: Rebirth
I was exposed to this game recently and the story line was very interesting and tapping into things we do not typically see. It is all very complex, but I did not get a chance to go further.


Commented on Community health needs bus tour: understanding social determinants of health and racism
Social determinants of health is so important to know about for providers as they can be aware of community health issues and being aware of resources to refer to.


Commented on Scientific Inventions and Findings
Share recent inventions and developments here!


Commented on Moving toward Equitable Care for Sleep Apnea in the United States: Positive Airway Pressure Adherence Thresholds: An Official American Thoracic Society Policy Statement
I have never seen this study design in which collaboration happens to push policy. We certainly see research that tries to inform for policy, but I like the use of working groups to look into research and how to improve disparities and the policies for PAP insurance coverage.


Commented on Relaxation of anti-COVID-19 measures reveals new challenges for infectious disease outbreak forecasting
Shows the importance of mathematical modeling and accounting for variables that comes with measures, immunity, vaccination, etc.


Commented on Future Medicine: Stem Cells and Cancer
Good information for people that do not have an extensive background in this area as well. It is interesting to see the clinical trials for development of new therapies.


Commented on The Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis: Transitioning from Blame Game to Synergistic Solutions
This can take on a multidisciplinary approach where collaboration is important with education to increase understanding and responding to the crisis. It is good to see the data as well. It is eye-opening to see the lack of drug development, but the need is there to have new approaches and have the best practices.


Commented on Mental health
What are hobbies or activities you enjoy for self-care and to manage stress?


Commented on Does antibiotic awareness campaigns exposure decrease intention to demand antibiotic treatment? Testing a structural model among parents in Western Australia
Raising awareness helps. It is not a scare tactic, but the information only outlines the importance of AMR as a public health concern