Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Long term association of red meat consumption and lipid profile: A 13-year prospective population-based cohort study
When it comes to diet and nutrition, these cohort studies are the best for assessment especially for something red meat where the conclusion is that negative effects happen with high amounts consumed. But seeing this type of association is which a clearer picture is made is great for the public.


Commented on Citizen science in the time of COVID-19
These are great examples of how this era helps to adapt and utilize research methods we may not have used to our advantage. The pandemic only continues to raise different research questions.


Commented on The effects of regular consumption of green or black tea beverage on blood pressure in those with elevated blood pressure or hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis
I did not realize there would be so many trials, but great to see the analysis and criterion to ensure the consumption of tea would help lower SBP. I wonder what other studies for specific foods or drinks can display this sort of effect as well whether actually helpful or not.


Commented on The Public Health and Clinical Importance of Accurate Neonatal Testing for COVID-19
Very interesting study whole mentioning interpret with caution. A lot has developed since this analysis and further testing can be done with variants.


Commented on Is It Time for Sports and Health in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic?
We are certainly navigating it now with the Olympics happening and all professional sports going. Better prepared now, but we will see how to adapt and adjust with variants and any other challenges this era poses.


Commented on A rapid review of the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of healthcare workers: implications for supporting psychological well-being
This shows the burden being carried by healthcare workers during this time and the necessity for more data to further explore what can be done to support the workers.


Commented on The role of religion in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic: the Malaysian multi-faith perspectives
We know how important religion is worldwide and in all communities. That can have an impact in terms of health behavior. This was a very well done paper with generalizability. This is where collaboration has to take place where health and religion can be protected and show importance in both, not just one or the other.


Commented on Small and mighty grants
I see that the deadline has passed, but this is a wonderful funding opportunity for communities of color. What organizations have been funded in the past?


Commented on COVID-19: from a PHEIC to a public mental health crisis?
We can see the impact at that time on mental health. It still rages on despite opening up. The post effects are traumatic and has to have close attention to help worldwide.


Commented on Rapid COVID-19 vaccine development
What is normally measured is decades was done essentially in a year and Pfizer being FDA approved recently. Look where we are now and we shall see what other developments take place and how we continue to learn and adapt.


Commented on Improved diet quality, a missing ingredient for accelerating stunting reduction: an example from Ethiopia
Very impactful example and would love to see examples in other areas and how that stunting differs.


Commented on Changes in diet quality and body weight over 10 years: the Multiethnic Cohort Study
Very good longitudinal data analysis. Not surprising that improved diet over time will cause smaller weight gains. However, this is super important to develop interventions and focus on the variation between racial groups. Well done!


Commented on Fatigue, anxiety, and quality of life in breast cancer patients compared to non-cancer controls: a nationwide longitudinal analysis
Well done study with age matched controls. Further confirms that the fatigue, anxiety, and QOL are significantly impacted and should be addressed.


Commented on Household food waste: attitudes, barriers and motivations
Those themes presented are huge especially guilt and financial implications. That in turn can sort of turn the tide in terms of awareness and being more conscious about food waste and mitigating that.


Commented on Misinformation
Big issue today and moving forward