Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Fitness, physical activity, and exercise in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review on current evidence for interactions with disease activity and progression
Definitely a need for MS research as there seems to be little known about what can be done to prevent or slow down progression. Exercise sounds like a component to improve upon the functional measure, but remains to be seen what is done physiologically.


Commented on Evidence-based physical activity for COVID-19: what do we know and what do we need to know?
As we know from other research, physical activity is so helpful for our health holistically.


Commented on Healthy Environments Supporting Physical Activity - Complete Streets
The link yielded no results, but is on the HFSF website. Here is the grant area: And you would need to create an account.


Commented on Epidemiology of obstructive sleep apnea: What is the contribution of hypertension and arterial stiffness?
This displays the importance of how an outcome is defined can change how data seen


Commented on Epidemiology of sleep disorders, sleep deprivation, dreaming and spindles in sleep
The thought that stood out is the importance to properly calculate total sleep duration especially when looking at an outcome.


Commented on The Effect of an After-School Physical Activity Program on Children’s Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nova Scotia
Good utilization of validated survey. Study showed "protective effect on children's health behaviours and cognitive, social, and emotional health as values remained within normal limits and were not impacted by the public health restrictions."


Commented on Out-of-school-time Physical Activity
The site states 2020 deadlines and there is a deadline in June and October. Many other similar grants on Colorado health foundation as well. The outcome measure is to increase the number of children and youth ages 4 to 18 who engage in at least 90 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every week.


Commented on Notice of Special Interest: Alcohol and Cancer Control
Huge importance in cancer control research. Listed are 5 RO1 and 5 R21 grants.


Commented on Opioid Prescribing and Health Outcomes in Opioid Naive Patients: Analysis of A Statewide Health Information Exchange
Challenging with a retrospective cohort when data is only as good as what is available. Good findings especially with an opioid epidemic and can be so helpful for interventions in the future and being able to have that information exchange is critical. Have to get ahead of it before it becomes difficult to intervene.


Commented on Exercise in school Physical Education increase bone mineral content and density: Systematic review and meta-analysis
This goes to show the importance of exercise for children and young adults, but there could inconsistency as stated in the level of activity that can create discrepancy in results.


Commented on West Virginia Games For Health: Implementing Dance Dance Revolution Into Public Schools
I would have loved this back in school! Is this still being implemented there or elsewhere?


Commented on Depression and Increased Risk of Alzheimer's Dementia: Longitudinal Analyses of Modifiable Risk and Sex-Related Factors
I am curious as to why the remote history was not associated. Could that be related to the sample? I would love to explore this with other data.


Commented on Housing and Homelessness Programme
Here is the grant database:


Commented on Prevalence of allergic disorders and risk factors associated with food allergy in Turkish preschoolers
This is great in terms of creating guidelines especially when you read recommendations that egg whites should not be give until after one year of age. That can create high generalizability for guidelines.


Commented on We-intention to continue playing mobile multiplayer games: the role of social play habit
I think it becomes very easy to invest time and/or money into something that gives us pleasure, fun, social connection, challenge, etc.