Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Evaluating policies to improve access to mental health services in rural areas
We can see the impact of policy here as usage increases with policy changes. If accessible, it will be used. "Rural patients use mental health services when they become available. Access was the highest with a combination of changes to both delivery modalities and payment methods. Continued, and perhaps different efforts are required to address a persistent disparity for older patients."


Commented on Perinatal Psychiatry: Improving Access to Perinatal Mental Health Care
So much value especially if offered onsite in an integrated manner


Commented on Short break drive holiday destination attractiveness during COVID-19 border closures
This paper can give us a way to think creatively in times where things such as far travel is not feasible


Commented on Breaking bad news: during the holiday season
No matter what time, it is difficult and having these recommendations in mind is great


Commented on The Effect of Long Public Holidays on Healthcare-associated Infection Rate
That is why it is stressed to take a vigilant approach especially on holiday


Commented on 3.104 Prevalence and Correlates of US Adult Opinions on Restricting Exposure of Children to Smoking in Movies: 2020 Health Information National Trends Survey
Not sure if I am surprised by the split of the support for restriction. Could that be parents not wanting to hide the realities of smoking, exposing and educating. Could it be generational? There is significance between groups and I can see how tailored messages can be invaluable.


Commented on The Impact of Online Learning System on Students Affected with Stroke Disease
The study further reveals that subjective happiness is influenced by its efficiency, entertainment value, and effectiveness.


Commented on Satisfaction can co-exist with hesitation: qualitative analysis of acceptability of telemedicine among multi-lingual patients in a safety-net healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic
"More research is needed to guide how healthcare systems and clinicians make decisions and communicate about visit modalities to support high-quality care that responds to patients’ needs and circumstances."


Commented on Emergence potential of monkeypox in the Western Pacific Region, July 2022
Shows importance of staying vigilant during these times.


Commented on Mental Health and Alcohol Use during and before the Early Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic
"Interventions addressing worsening mental health outcomes and shifting alcohol use patterns must be sensitive to the needs of vulnerable groups, such as younger adults and those experiencing poverty or unemployment."


Commented on Comparing the mental health trajectories of four different types of keyworkers with non-keyworkers: 12-month follow-up observational study of 21 874 adults in England during the COVID-19 pandemic
"Future research should focus on identifying which aspects of working conditions may be contributing to occupational stress in these groups."


Commented on If exercise is medicine, why don’t we know the dose? An overview of systematic reviews assessing reporting quality of exercise interventions in health and disease
Great question, it depends on the person I feel like as to what gives one the opportunity for optimal health. Guidelines and recommendations are good, but prescribing exercise differs in my opinion.


Commented on Long-term COVID-19 effects on pulmonary function, exercise capacity, and health status
Provides some good information with the small sample of post infection effects. "In discharged survivors with COVID-19, 23.5% had significant impairment of diffusion capacity abnormality of lung function. The exercise capacity and health status were considerably lower than that of a normal population after 6 months postinfection."


Commented on Does aerobic exercise effect pain sensitisation in individuals with musculoskeletal pain? A systematic review
Additional evidence of the importance of exercise and activity in general and how that can reduce pain. "This systematic review provides evidence to suggest that aerobic exercise reduces pain sensitisation in individuals with musculoskeletal pain."


Commented on Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
The larger sample size will definitely help with power and maybe we can see the benefits more so of CO-OP.