Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Is the future of the human diet green? – a case of vegetarian diet in Croatia
With the rise of interest in alternative proteins, ways to improve our health, and planet, I can definitely see this future, but the balance seems to be important as the conclusion states here.


Commented on Tribal Behavioral Health
Underserved community and great collaboration with SAMHSA. Application is due every March.


Commented on Navigating Wildfire Smoke: Understanding, Mitigating, and Communicating Health Risks
Great webinar to educate and communicate when these events happen as it can be very challenging, but has to be prioritized for at-risk communities and groups through mixed media and messages.


Commented on The role of psychological flexibility in the relationships between burnout, job satisfaction, and mental health among nurses in combatting COVID ‐19: A two‐region survey
Such a global topic and important how this can be generalized to help the frontline nurses to develop that psychological flexibility


Commented on Predatory journal risks and avoidance strategies for researchers
This is great! I know there is a comprehensive list of those journals, but looking forward to what strategies exist!


Commented on Integrating Mobile and Portable Technologies With In-Person and Telehealth Care to Increase Perinatal Healthcare Equity for the Unstably Housed
These are the kinds of gaps to bridge and utilize resources productively. Midwifery Integrated Home Visitation Program sounds like an amazing program. I found more information about it here: "offers mobile electronic fetal monitoring and telehealth consults with Maternal-Fetal Medicine providers for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, substance use disorders, and prior stillbirth. Services include prenatal, postpartum, lactation and newborn care; well-woman visits, cervical and breast cancer screenings and STI/STD screening and treatment."


Commented on The Critical Role of AI in Detecting Offenders: Exploring Customs Law Enforcement
Never thought about this specific application, but I think this is perfect in detection, inspection, and surveillance. I also understand those challenges as I see AI to continue to be supplemental while people are still boots on the ground.


Commented on Public Health and Project Management: Do Projects Deliver?
This article explains the attention needed for developing countries, especially within maternal, newborn, and child health projects. Project managers do not have the resources and there seems to be issues at various stages for them to execute and manage issues. "Various strategies were proposed such as implementing a bottom-up management approach, more decentralization, establishing patient feedback systems, giving more authority to the project managers, and so forth."


Commented on statistical analysis
Anyone have a resource or a site they refer to learn or get certifications for a statistical package?


Commented on A mountable toilet system for personalized health monitoring via the analysis of excreta
Has this gone to market whether it be commercially or residential?


Commented on Tram-track cycling injuries: a significant public health issue
An example that public health is everywhere. I see this being an issue globally where there may not be roads for cyclists or sidewalks for those to walk in areas that are not structured that way. The discussion remains how built environment impacts our health and outcomes like these accidents to be prevented.


Commented on A Path Towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence with Dr. Yann LeCun
Fascinating, especially how to deal with the uncertainty in prediction and ensuring the frameworks and architectures.


Commented on A dairy and non diary based-millet beverages
Very interesting! Alternatives are such a big thing and millet seems to be gaining traction for human consumption in the United States as it seems to be used primarily for animals here. But interesting to see the growth of alternatives.


Commented on Hands-free interaction in immersive virtual reality: A systematic review
Interesting to see from this systematic review that voice, eye, and head gaze are the areas that the studies focused on despite the importance of the hands. I wonder if since the 2021 review, more studies have been done on interfaces and if hands are the focal point for applications and in the immersive virtual reality environment.


Commented on US election: Questioning the candidates
I see this as a vetting process to assess and disseminate views, knowledge, and potential actions.